Chapter 1

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The Compass
and The Curse

"Our maps are leading us nowhere, and we barely get to where we need to go."Hongjoong the captain of ATEEZ grumbled, as he paces back and forth on the main deck.

They have been getting lost in the sky recently, it was like the winds were against them, not letting them get to anywhere they wanted and needed to go and they didn't know why.

"I'm sorry if I am unable to get us to here we desire to be captain, I'm a useless navigator."the brown-haired navigator with lovely eyes Yeosang  mumbled, his head lowered in shame and unable to meet his captain's gaze.

The captain stares at his trustee navigator with concern, he knew that the sculpture-like male has been trying his best to navigate the sky. Perhaps that it was just a bad time for them. He places his hands on Yeosang's shoulder.

"Don't say that Yeosangie, you know how much I trust you in navigating directions. I believe in you, ATEEZ and the crew of Desire do too."

Yeosang felt somewhat relieved of what his captain has said to him, indeed the crew and everyone onboard of Desire trusted his navigating skills. He has been their navigator from the start and has proven himself numerous times.

But these days were different, no matter how hard he tried, even if the directions were accurate. They couldn't sail properly.

"Thank you captain."

The rest of ATEEZ and the crew gathered on deck as the captain had an announcement to make.

"Everyone, I believe I've found something that could help us."his voice reverberates through the crowd in front of him.

"What might that be?"Wooyoung who was holding a mop and a bucket asked. He was probably in the middle of scrubbing the deck when the captain called for their attention.

"There is a compass that can be found in this island, a compass that is one of a kind."their captain points to the little land mass on the map of the sky, that he held in his hand. They were sky pirates after all.

"But that's the skyland of the skywitch Claudine."Jongho interjected.

"That is right."the captain confirms.

"Do you think she'll let us have the trinket?" Asked one of the crew members.

Hongjoong lets out a breath."I'm not sure, that's why we're going to pay her a visit. For now, I don't know what else can help us."he states, his eyes fixed on the horizon.

He too is not sure of his plan. Crossing the skywitch is a death wish, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

The heavens are shifting and the winds take you nowhere, hence why even if the path you take is correct, it will not lead to to where you intend to be without struggle.

Traveling in an average pace pays off, as the winds are irregular. There are times that the breeze is on your side and most of the time it wants to mess with you.

If you wish to travel long distances then you'll definitely have to deal with the uncooperative gusts.

You'll still reach your destination eventually, you'll just be pretty exhausted.

Upon reaching the skywitch's skyland, Desire lowers its anchor and comes to a stop, the gangplank connecting to the grassy ground.

Sky sailors would come to Claudine for help with regards to anything that involves magic. She looked like a middle aged lady with very long white hair, but her actual age is unknown. Some tales say that she's as old as sky itself.

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