Chapter 10

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San brought Shinji along to the navigation room where Hongjoong and Yeosang were peering over a table where a map lied bare. The two whipped their heads simultaneously over their shoulder to see who had just barged through the door.

"Captain, Sangie, Shinji here used to live in Fogden."the

"Is that so?"asked the Captain.

Shinji nods."When I was younger, before me and my brother joined a crew. We lived there for a while. Mother would tell us a special bedtime story about the evening butterfly that would appear during the full moon."

"There was a wide grass field behind our old house where they said the butterfly was once spotted. A big old tree stands there and is believed to be where it lives."


Shinji stood at the forecastle deck, feeling the cold breeze of wind that brushed against her skin and blew her locks in tangles.

"What brought you up here?"asked a certain voice, that made her heart skip everytime she heard it.

"Nothing in particular, I just didn't want to stay inside all day."she answered.

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this."the Captain apologized. Even though she had agreed to help them, he still couldn't help but feel awful about the fact that he was keeping her away from her crew.

Shinji chuckles."Its no problem Captain, I'm happy that I'm able to help you."she flashes him a sincere smile. Shinji was touched with how concern the Captain was for her, she'd already agreed yet he still feels a bit bad about making her stay with them a little longer. He was such a kind man.

The red-haired captain's face suddenly felt warm, and the cold wind wasn't helping either.

"Skyland ho!"Jongho shouted from the lookout, before folding his spyglass and swingging down to the deck with a rope.The crew had now arrived at Fogden.

The members then soon gathered onto the main deck and, waiting for Hongjoong's orders to disembark the ship.

"Alright then, where did your house used to be?"the Captain asked.

"West. Slightly out of the town, take a turn to the left where a stone path ends to a river that we'll have to cross. Then continue on the other side where a small hill is."She says.

The crew along with Shinji went through town and crossed the said river. On the other side was a pathway through a couple of trees, which ended to an open field.

A path that was barely visible due to the tall grass, lead to a hill where a house could be seen on the top.

The hill wasn't that steep, so climbing wasn't hard. Though house was obviously abandoned. There was a rusty chain on the door, the windows were covered in dust and moss, the roof was crooked and the entire house was almost covered in crawling plants. It was so old that it looked like it would fall apart right then and there.

"Wow, this house sure is old."San mumbles as he taps the roof, and a piece of it falls out. The silver-haired male then hurriedly picks the piece up and struggles to put back earning a glare from the Quartermaster and the Captain.

"Don't touch anything, this house might fall apart any second."the Captain said stern.

Just then, the entire house collapses into the ground. A large cloud of dust bursts through the air surrounding them and tampering with the crew's vision as well as making them almost cough their lungs out.

As the cloud of dust dissipated, the cause of the chaos was then revealed. Wooyoung was caught red handed with a stone brick in his hand. He obviously took it from the house, which caused the catastrophe. The cook was stuck in a position as if he was just about to return the brick to the spot of the house where he took it from.

All the members stare at him, bloody murder in their eyes.

"What the heck Wooyoung!"Seonghwa yelled, annoyance in his voice, as he runs his hand over his face that was covered in dust.

"Didn't I just say not to touch anything?!"Hongjoong spats, still patting off dust from his hair.

"Sorry?"Wooyoung throws the brick away and scratches his head in embarrassment.

"This idiot."Yeosang mumbles, dusting his himself off, his other hand pinching his nose.

"My eyes! My eyes! I got dust in my eyes!"Mingi screamed and ran around like a rampaging animal whereas Yunho ran after him, trying to calm the helmsman down.

San was helping the captain clean himself up, while Daehee kept Shinji away from all the commotion.

Jongho stood silent, watching Seonghwa and Hongjoong scold poor Wooyoung. He then felt a slight itch in his nose and then...


Everyone turned to the youngest, who had just sneezed. Seonghwa glared at Wooyoung.

"Now look what you did, you triggered Jongho's allergies."the oldest said, as he walks towards Jongho, whose nose was now pink.

" *achoo!* I-Im *achoo!* fine."he mutters and wipes his nose.

"Wooyoung, go sit on that rock."Hongjoong points at a rock near a tree below the hill.

"What am I five?"the ravenette protested.

"Just do it."

"Fine."Wooyoung leaves in defeat, stomping as he made his was downhill.

"You too, San."the Captain turns to the other one.

"What?"San pouted, and follows Wooyoung down the hill.

Chapter dedicated to Femer_Note since she's been so nice. Thanks for always waiting fot my updates and for your support ❤ Godbless :)

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