Chapter 17

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The Start of a Journey

"Alas fearless ones, the last piece you have come to hold

Patch the map together, and your destination shall unfold

Far beyond the horizon, are wonders to be told

Safe travels to you lass and lads, may your wishes be fulfilled

But beware your journey, for trouble it yields."

Upon completing the pieces of the Utopian map, the parchments were left in the care of Yeosang, as he worked on piecing them together in the navigation, accompanied by Donghun.

The others went on with their endeavors, cleaning the decks, checking the sails, making sure the supplies were enough, and even polishing and cleaning weapons. Desire was busy, preparing for the next chapter of their voyage, which was finally sailing for Utopia.

Hongjoong stood at the sterncastle, hands tightly gripping on the wooden wheel, as he made the effort to steer his ship. It was a bright sunny day, at around noon. The sun was high, and the breeze was cool. 

As he maneuvered his vessel, he couldn't help but wonder, what awaits them beyond the vast sea of clouds. Upon hearing that their journey was to be filled with obstacles, he was a bit anxious. He worries for his crew's safety, A.C.E's safety for joining them, him being turned to stone forever, and her.

Fate is quite mischievous, of all the times he had to fall for someone, why now? Why so sudden and without any warning? Why so fast? She entered his life just like that, and now, he didn't know what to do.

Hongjoong was snapped out of his thoughts, when he heard footsteps approaching from the stairs, headed to where he was. 

A clump of silvery hair  emerged from the stairway, his face adorned with it's usual cuteness similarly to a cat.

"Captain, Yeosang and Donghun-hyung are done with the map. They asked for me to fetch you, so you can inspect it."San says, his thumb motioning behind him.

"Alright, take the wheel." he replied, and left for the navigation room.


Shinji was back on board Cactus, after her brother's crew had agreed to help ATEEZ but in terms of his sister being back with her crew.

She was assisted by her brother, back inside the navigation room, where she would sit near an open window quietly as Donghun would work on the maps for their travels.

The smell of wood and books invaded her nostrils, as the familiar scent reminded her of so many things. She missed being on board Cactus. It was the only place where she felt safe and home.

Donghun helps his sister sit on her favorite lumpy chair.

"How I missed this chair."Shinji chuckled, making Donghun smile.

"I'm glad you're back with us—with me Jiji."he said, holding her hand.

Shinji could feel the happiness and relief in her brother's voice.

I must've made him really worried, while I was gone.

"Again, I'm sorry for worrying you."she says.

"Its alright, you're back now. That's all that matters and you're safe."

VOYAGE I: Onwards To Utopia Where stories live. Discover now