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"Brother?!" everyone exclaimed all together at the unexpected revelation.

"Yes, Daehee here is my brother. We are Utopia's guardians. Thank for taking care of him while he was at your care."Kyu bowed.

"I don't understand, how? We found Daehee at town a few years ago, and took him in."Hongjoong says, confused.

The two brothers exchanged looks, before Daehee proceeded to explain."That year that you found me, was the same year the compass got stolen." He begun."A sailor named Gillian and his crew had reached Utopia upon completing the map. We welcomed him, yet he repaid by stealing the compass. Unknowingly taking a curse with him as punishment."

"We didn't go after him of course, our role as guardians do not involved taking things in our own hands. So we sought the future for answers."Kyu continued."Upon taking a glimpse at the globe of foretelling, we saw all of you. From Hongjoong and his crew, to Shinji and A.C.E, as well as the roles that you were all going to play in this fate. Which is returning the compass back to us."

"Everything was meant to happen, and I left Utopia in order to make sure that things go accordingly. To keep an eye on all of you."Daehee paused."You were all so kind, and I had a memorable stay at Desire. Thank you for the last couple of years."

Hongjoong steps forward and fishes the compass from his pocket, handing it over to Kyu."I believe this belongs to you."

Kyu takes the item, and something leaves Hongjoong along with it."The curse has left you, you are free again."

"We are grateful to all of you for returning this sacred item back to it's home. Allow us to grant you this reward for all your troubles. May you find it useful."Daehee snaps his fingers, and huge pile of gold doubloons, jewels, and everything else appeared on the deck of the ship, having everyone slack jawed.

"We humbly and gratefully accept this gift from you."Wooyoung energetically bows, the others nodding furiously and bowing as well.

"Yes, we will definitely put these in good use."Byeongkwan smiled, turning to Junhee.

While the rest were all busy gawking, and discussing their plans on what to do with all the fortune, that had just been graciously bestowed upon them, Daehee made his way towards Shinji, who was beside her brother.

"Noona, can you crouch down a bit?"the younger requested.

"Of course."she obliged."What is it?"she asked, not knowing that the younger had stooped down to her height and was currently face to face with her, taking her right hand.

"Thank you for being so kind to me, I was glad to have been able to help you in some ways during the journey."he said with a fond smile."You are a wonderful person, just as you are. This is my gift to you."Daehee places his left hand over Shinji's eyes.

The moment Daehee removes his hand, Shinji slowly opens her eyes. To her surprise, she sees a young brunette boy with green eyes staring back at her with a smile.

"D...Daehee."her eyes welled with tears, that fell when the younger gave her a hug, and wiped her tears when they pulled away.

"Thank you."

"You deserved this, and more."he says, before walking away towards his brother who was watching with a smile.

Shinji stand up and faced her brother, whose eyes widen at the sight.

VOYAGE I: Onwards To Utopia Where stories live. Discover now