Chapter 24

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With the support of his crew mates, Seonghwa was able to pull himself together. He wasn't alone. He knew that now. He didn't need to carry everything on his shoulders, he had his crew mates who were also his family to share those heavy weights with. They would carry it with him. Knowing this, Seonghwa mustered up some courage and strength and finally found it in himself to lead the crew and to temporarily take over as Captain as he was second in command.

With a deep breath and thanks to the reassuring smiles and gestures he was given. He took a step forward facing the crew who were currently lost.

"Attention, Men."he began, trying hard not to make his voice shaky."As we all know our Captain isn't around at the moment. As his second in command I shall fill in as Captain in his place for now. We need to get him back, and I need all your help. Now who's with me?"

Seonghwa was nervous, but he hid it well. He shouldn't show it in front of his men. He needed to be strong and filled with authority, just like Hongjoong.

One bye one, the men raised their hands and said "Aye." Until it was it became a chorus of a loud "Aye, Captain!"

"Alright, back to your stations. We're getting the Captain and Shinji back."

Mingi grips the wheel tightly, with Seonghwa beside him.

"Alright men, reel in the anchor and loosen the sails!" Hwa stated with a commanding deep voice.

The crew obeyed with ease, running to their station and doing their jobs.

The other ATEEZ members couldn't help but smile as they see how determined Seonghwa was, it gave them strength and courage to work hard as well.

Desire starts to make its way out of the clouds and dive slowly below, Cactus following behind.

Junhee stands firm as me maneuvers his ship and Donghun stands beside him his heart getting filled with hope.

It's was time to get them back.

Yeosang made his was down the main deck and climbs up the crow's nest atop the main mast. Once he was up, he brings out his tools and starts measuring the spot where Hongjoong and Shinji might have fallen and the possible places where they might have washed up. Not long later he climbs down and tells Mingi their route.

"By my calculations they might have been washed up somewhere southeast."he rolls out the map from his pocket."There are three islands Southeast from here, we should ask A.C.E if they know any of these."

Taking the navigator's advice and keeping the ships at a momentary halt, the two crews discussed their route. Yeosang unrolled the map on a table and pointed the three islands."Are you familiar with these islands?"

Jun and the others leaned in to see the map. They all nodded."Yup, Donghun-hyung can explain."

"The one in the center is Amelia's island, the Sea Witch."he paused."Its where I was brought and cured from a rare illness, which in return deprived Shinji of her sight."

There was silence, the revelation was quite a surprising.

"If they did wash up there, they'd be in good hands. Amelia's a nice witch."Sehyoon interjected.


Night came and surprisingly, Hongjoong stayed the same. He didn't turn to tone, which was quite odd.

"I can't believe I'm not petrified right now, it's been a while since I experienced night time normally."said Joong.

"That's amazing, maybe there's magic here."Shinji though."At least you get to see what night time is like again, even for now."

"I sure miss stargazing."they said at the same time, which surprised the both of them.

"You like the stars too?"Hongjoong turned to her.

"Yes, a lot. Before losing my sight, Donghunie and I went stargazing a lot. Our favorite spot was on the deck of course."She articulated with a reminiscent expression.

Hongjoong then recalled a memory about Yunho and San telling him that Shinji liked staying out on the deck, even at night, when he asked them how she was doing.

I guess that answers why

"I liked how the stars filled the expanse of the sky, and all the things Donghunie taught me about sailing, using them as guides for direction."Shinji added, fidgeting her hands.

"Can I ask how you lost your sight?"Joong felt a bit unsure, he thought that perhaps it was a sensitive topic, but he wanted to know.

"My brother caught a deadly magical illness that had no cure, so I traded my sight with Amelia to save him."

"Oh, I guess that's one of the reasons he's protective of you."Joong looked down to his feet."That was quite courageous and selfless of you." He thought about how hard it must've been for her to give up a huge part of her life, but did it anyway for her beloved brother.

Shinji smiled."I only have him after all."

The Captain looks and turns to look at her. He is then greeted by the sight of her face that was illuminated by the night sky and the bright moon, as well as the thousands of stars that reflected in her eyes.

Beautiful.. was all he could think of. Before a feeling quite new to him had begun rising in his chest. The thumping in his chest increased, and he somehow felt warm. He'd felt this before during his previous encounters with her, but tonight, it was different. It was worst.

What is this? His one hand flew over to clutch his chest. It wouldn't calm down.

By the time that they went to bed, Hongjoong couldn't fall asleep. He repeatedly thrashed around his bed, and closed his eyes, but he didn't feel sleepy. He decided to get out of bed and sit by the window, to watch the stars. 

As he stared at the white twinkling dots, Shinji's face suddenly enters his mind and his hands flew to mess his hair as he let out a small."Aish."

It was going to be a long night.

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