Chapter 21

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As the Welkins' ship approached, Hongjoong had made sure to keep Desire still. He stood at the main deck, staring at the shop the was now beside his vessel. He was anxious, they all were.

When the two ships were side to side, a gangplank was placed by one of the Welkins' men, connecting to Desire.

A dark haired man whose aura screamed 'Captain' made his was down the gangplank and soon his boots clicked on the deck of Desire.

Hongjoong stood firm, staring at the man with such authority. This was his ship, and he did not like the man that had just stepped on his precious vessel.

The crew of Desire and A.C.E's stood in silence, anxiously awaiting what was about to happen. Will there only be a talk between the Captains? Or something else ? They didn't know.

"What's happening?"Shinji whispered, beside Donghun.

"The Captain of the Welkins had just stepped foot on Desire."Donghun replied in a whisper.

"Who are the Welkins?"

"They're bad pirates Noona, I don't think they're here to do good."mumbled Daehee.

Immediately Shinji's mind thought of Hongjoong."Where's the Captain?"

"He's face to face with the Captain of the other ship."

At this, Shinji was filled with worry. Oh please don't let anything bad happen to him and the rest of the crew. She prayed.

"Greetings, I am Captain Grozen of the Welkins."the pirate introduced.

"Captain Hongjoong. What is your business with us?"he asked straight to the point, keeping his stance.

"Ah yes, you see  a little birdie told me that you and your crew have found something quite valuable."Grozen paced aeound Hongjoong."I know you know what I mean."

"Is he talking about the map?"Wooyoung whispered to San.

"I think he is, what the heck does he want with it."San whispered back.

"Be quiet you two."Yeosang scolded, his grip tightening around the rolled paper he was holding.

"What do you want with the map?"

"Well here's what's going to happen, you will surrender the map to me or someone will get hurt."Grozen threatens with a playful smile."I don't need to tell you what I plan to do with it."

Hongjoong was now conflicted. He and his crew had worked so hard to piece that map together, they even had a lot of help from Shinji and A.C.E and there was nothing that he desired more than to be free from the curse.

"The clock's ticking, you appear to be having trouble making up your mind."Grozen closes his pocket watch and shoves it in his pocket."Here, let me make it easier for you."he turns to Kiano and nods.

In a swift motion, Kiano pulls Shinji away from Donghun and was now pointing a knife at her neck.

"Shinji!!"they yelled.

The poor girl was filled with fright, she couldn't even move.

"No!"Hongjoong practically yelled as he turned to Grozen with murderous eyes."Unhand her."

"I will, but the map first."
Joong clenched his fist. He turns to Yeosang and says."Yeo, give it to them."he ordered.

Yeosang wanted to disagree, but he knew he had no choice. He steps forward and hands the map over to Grozen.

"Now let her go."Joong said stern.
Grozen nods at Kiano, who immediately let's the girl go.

Grozen then walks closer to Hongjoong, he then whispers to him."Wise choice." before walking away.

When Grozen and his men were on board their ship, he looks back at Hongjoong."Oh and just to make sure you won't follow us."he nods at Haiden.

Haiden then commands his pet crow and the black bird comes flying towards Shinji, it squaks and flaps it's wings maniacally at the poor girl tangling it's claws with her hair. Shinji could only try and fight back, she couldn't even see.

Mingi and Yunho along with Wooyoung and San try to get rid of the bird. But by the time the bird leaves Shinji had hit her back on the rigging and falls off the ship.




Still unable to comprehend what had just happened with Shinji, the crew was once again shocked as  Hongjoong had ran to side of the ship and jumps.

Grozen and his crew leaves and immediately disappears into the thick clouds. Whereas Desire was left with astonished crewmen.

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