Chapter 5

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"What?"Hongjoong eyes Yunho with utter surprise.

So that was why she couldn't run away even if her life depended on it. How could she if she couldn't see?

"H-hello, where am I?"the poor blind girl who was seated on the wooden floor stuttered.

"You're safe now young miss. Right now you're on board Desire."Mingi replies.

The girl turns her head."W-who are you?"she asked, a hint of fear in her voice. The voice didn't sound familiar to her.

"Don't be scared, I'm Mingi. I was the one who carried you while we were running away."the tall one rubbed his the back of his neck feeling a little shy.

"Oh, thank you. Are there more of you?"somehow knowing that she was with those who saved her made her feel slightly better.

She wanders her eyes around, even though she couldn't see she could still feel the presence of other people around her.

"There are six of us here right now. I'm Wooyoung."another unfamiliar voice replied.

"I'm San."


"Oh, why aren't you guys helping her up?"Yunho assists the girl to get up on her feet."Sorry about that young miss, my name is Yunho."said the one who helped her up.

"Captain, why don't you introduce yourself?"Daehee turns to his Captain, who only stood there quietly.

Hongjoong walks towards her. Eyeying the girl who couldn't see any of them."I'm Hongjoong, the Captain of Desire, the ship you are currently on. What is your name young miss?"he states.

Shinji recognized the voice and her heart skipped a beat. She knew that voice. That soothing voice belonged to no other than the kind stranger who saved her from that maniac back at the market place back at Sunie.

Right now, she couldn't believe that her savior was standing in front of her. She could strongly feel his presence right there. And now she knew his name. By then she remembered that she was on a ship as of the moment, and that made her anxious.

"S-shinji, Lee Shinji."she replies."Are y-you pirates?"

The six of them exchanged looks before Hongjoong replies."Yes, we are."


Back at the market place at Sunie, Donghun runs out of the shop after hearing the gunshots. His heart raced with worry.

His sad eyes find the bench, where he had asked his sister to wait for him. But to his dismay, she she was not sitting there anymore.

He walks towards the bench and sees a small bottle with a flower inside it. He'd know that bottle anywhere. He was the one who gave it to her. Donghun picks the bottle up and holds it tightly against his chest, as he looks around the place in search for her.

With no luck, he runs back to the harbor and up the ramp unto Cactus, rushing to the Captain's quarters. Jun was startled when Donghun barges through door so suddenly.

"What is it Donghun-hyung?"the Captain stands from his seat, closing the book he was reading and setting it aside.

"I lost Shinji."Donghun replies with a shaky voice, worry and fear written all over his face, hands shaking.

"What?"Jun ran up to his crew member.

"I told her to stay seated at the bench outside the shop. T-then there was a shoot out and when I-l ran out to check on her, she was, g-gone."the navigator stutters. His mind was a mess right now, how could he have lost her?

"I could also hear gun shots a while ago, some said that the guards had already captured the ones involved and locked them up. But she couldn't have left all by herself, she's blind."Jun places his hand on his chin."Lets go look for her."

The two ran out of the Captain's quarters and into the main deck.

"Byeongkwan, Sehyoon!"the Captain calls the others.

Byeongkwan came swinging down from a rope, from up the crow's nest and Sehyoon came running from the forecastle.

"What is it Captain?"Kwan asks.

"Everything alright?"questioned Sehyoon.

"Shinji's missing, we have to find her."their Captain commands.

The all nodded and dashed down the gangplank into the harbor, where they came across Chan who had just finished buying his ingredients.

"Where are you going hyungs?"the younger asked, eyeing the four who were running off to who knows where.

"Chan you're in charge of the ship for now, we'll be right back."his Captain says to him.

"Aye aye."Chan replies in a daze, still confused of why his hyungs were in such a rush.

The four split up, searching everywhere they can in search of their treasured girl. Thank god that Sunie was a small skyland and the whole place was the largest market place in the sky, where sailors from everywhere come to buy and trade whatever they had.

After a while of running around, there was still no sign of the maided. The re grouped back at the center of the market place.

"Any luck?"Just asked Sehyoon and Byeongkwan, who shook their heads in disappointment.

"Dammit."Donghun cussed. He walks loosing hope of finding her by the minute. He was panicking. Why did he have to leave her outside that shop by herself? Now he's dying to know where she is.

"Let's ask is anyone has seen her."Sehyoon suggested.

An old lady passed by them, so Kwan took the opportunity to ask."Excuse me ma'am, by any chance have you seen a short thin, brown-haired girl wearing an azure dress about nineteen years of age anywhere around here?"the lookout asked.

The old lady eyes them."We'll I did see a girl by that description being carried by a tall brown-haired man over his shoulder, who was running with two other men. One in a red coat and the other one carrying a sack."she states."Do you know her?"

"Yes, she's my sister."Donghun pipes in."Did you perhaps see where they took her?"

The woman thinks for aoment and fixes her spectacles."We'll I heard that they got into a blue ship at the harbor called 'Desire'."she answers.

"Thank you."Jun and the others bowed to the old woman, who nods and disappears into the sea of busy people.

The four of them exchanged looks. A blue ship called 'Desire' is where Shinji was taken. And only one crew owns a blue ship with that name.

"ATEEZ has her."

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