Chapter 4

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"We'll take these muskets, bullets and cutlasses."Jongho says to the shop owner.

Upon paying for the weapons and placing them in sacks, which were then carried by Jongho, it was time to return to the ship.

"Let's head back."Hongjoong remarks, and turns to leave the shop."Do we have everything we need?"

"Aye Captain, Wooyoung and San took care of the other supplies."Mingi replied.

The captain nods and starts strolling away, followed by the other two. He places his hands inside the pockets of his red coat and walks with his head held high. His stance showing his authority.

They passed by a less crowded path along an array of shops, silence filling the air as they went further. Everything seemed normal, it was quiet and there was no disturbance, until their eyes caught a glimpse of a scarred man who was dragging a helpless brunette girl. They stopped at their tracks.

Hongjoong stared at the sight in front of him with furrowed eyebrows. What could this man be up to, that he is dragging this poor girl? Normally he wouldn't bother poking his nose into other people's business, but something about this just didn't feel right.

"P-please let me go."the girl who was trying to peal the man's hand off her arm pleaded, her voice shaky and her face reflecting fear.

"Stop struggling you lass."the man snarled, and drags the girl harder making her stumble on her feet and yelp.


The scarred man turns towards tan-haired captains direction, with an eyebrow raised."What?"

"Take your filthy hands off the girl."the Captain says, staring at the man straight into his eyes.

"Or what pipsqueak?"the stubborn man mocks, and chuckles tightening his grip on the poor girl who lets out a whiper in pain.

Mingi and Jongho exchanged looks.

Hongjoong was getting annoyed at the man's arrogance and calling him small made it worst. He knew he was short, but he was the right height for an average man. Joong didn't like being insulted specially about his height, and he wasn't having it today so he pulls out a musket from his side and points it at the man.

Instead of letting the girl go, the man pulls out a knife and positions it by the hostage's neck.

Shinji wasn't aware of what was happening, all she knew was that a stranger was trying to drag her somewhere and another stranger was trying to save her.

Please save me, whoever you are...

"If you shoot, I'll slit her neck."the man warns.

Hongjoong's jaw clenches, his patience was dying down. It was like a candle in the wind, the fire flickering from the gust of air until the fire dies in a blink of an eye.

Without any warning, he pulls the trigger shooting the man's hand. The knife clatters on the ground, a cry of pain erupting from the man's mouth while he staggered backwards away from the girl.

The unknown girl stands there in shock, not knowing what to do. The sound of the gunshot froze her in her spot, she was terrified. 

Captain and his two co-members stare at the girl with only one thing in their minds...

Why isn't she running away?

The wounded man eyes the three men with anger. He places two fingers in his mouth and whistles. More creeps came out of the secluded spaces of the pathway, some of them were carrying knives, bats, pistols and cutlasses.

They all stood by the wounded man."Get them!"he commands.

Hongjoong turns to Mingi."Mingi, take the girl."

The tall structured man nods and rushes towards the anonymous girl, picking her up and carrying her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

The group of armed men charged towards them, and the three buccaneers ran for their dear lives, gunshots followed after them. Jongho and Hongjoong had retaliated by shooting back, making sure to cover Mingi who had a girl slung over his shoulder.

The three slipped through a slightly narrow pathway that ended up to the center of the market place.

"There!"Mingi points towards the cobblestone pathway west from where they were."If we take that path we'll go out to the harbor."

They dashed towards the intended direction, almost bumping into the sea of people that blocked their way. After running through the chosen road, they were put of the market place and were on a him. Below, they spotted the ship but it was too steep to run down.

Jongho sees a large wood plank that served as a gate on the path they took, he places the sack of weapons down and peals the wooden plank from where it was attached. He places the plank on the ground, picks up his sack and sits on it.

"Everyone get on."the younger says, and the captain and Mingi did so.

They slid down the hill and continuec their marathon she they reached the bottom. The as men came rolling down the hill, still chasing them.

Running to war the ship, they ran into San, Daehee and Wooyoung who were carrying baskets and crates.

"What's the rush Captain?"San asked, confused on why he Captain and crew members were running.

"No time to explain, just run."Hongjoong replies.

Wooyoung looks behind their Captain and his eyes almost falls out of its sockets, when he sees the reason why they had to start running. Gunshots could be heard echoing through the harbor which alerted the guards so they started tracking down the ones involved.

Once they all reached Desire, Jongho and Wooyoung immediately pulled the ramp up.

"Raise the anchor and release the sails!"the Captain commanded, which the crew obeys in a flash.

Daehee drops his crate and runs to the rigging, untying the sails to release them.

Seonghwa rushes to the sterncastle and grabs hold of the wheel. He maneuvers the ship to starboard, leaving the harbor and the angry men after them.

After they were a bit far from the harbor, Jongho goes over to the Captain who was standing by the rigging. "Captain, we have a problem."the redorange-haired male turns to him.

"Its the girl from the market."

With that, Hongjoong remembers the girl who was the root of the situation. How could it have slipped through his mind?

There in the main deck, Mingi, Yunho, San, Wooyoung and Daehee were clowning over the anonymous girl. They made way for Hongjoong who then crouches in front of the girl, she had dark brown hair, honey eyes, button nose and thin lips. But what surprised him was that she was looking everywhere but his face.

He snaps and waves his hand in front of his face, but she didnt didn't even blink. His eyebrows furrow as he turns to their healer Yunho.

"Captain, I think she's blind."Yunho whispered to his Captain's ear.

So, any thoughts? Guys don't be shy to tell me your thoughts, it'd be nice to hear from you and I'd like to make more friends here on wattpad :)

Anyway I hope you enjoyed reading, love ya'll ❤

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