Chapter 28

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Snow At A Place Like This

The journey proceeded and went on quite well in the beginning. It was clear skies, and everything was going smoothly. The merged ship was traveling in a satisfactory way, and with the help of the compass, they were in the correct direction as well as protected from the absurdity of the sky.

Everyone got along quite nicely, and they had adjusted to the new roommates. The noisy ones learned to tone it down, as they didn't want the others to come barging in their rooms again.

Two days passed and nothing but clear sky and easy sailing. But at the end of the third day, the skies were darker, the light was dim, the wind was cold, and thundering sounds as well as flashing strikes of light ran across the clouds.

They've entered Stormo. Heavy drops of rain came pouring down and splashing into the deck of the ship. All the crew men started tying up the sails not wanting the violent winds to tear them to shreds.

They battened down the hatches and secured whatever they can. The men ran down below deck and stayed in their quarters, away from the storm that was happening outside in the decks.

Shinji stayed in the sickbay with Yunho and Daehee. Chan occasionally dropping by, as that was where he stayed too.

"There's so much rain."Yunho mumbled, while arranging some of his stuff. The sound of the storm outside didn't go unheard from within the room, even with the doors and windows closed. Muffled thunder and the splatters of the rain that hit the glass windows lulled them.

Thunder and lighting frightened anyone from going out, but they would if they had to. It was going to be quite a stormy night.

Aside from the catastrophic storm happening outside, Byeongkwan and Mingi were the ones currently steering the ship. They were both soaked in rain water and scared to death that they might get struck by lighting. They were terrified, but they knew they had to do this. Sehyoon and Jongho would take over in two hours.

If no one steers the ship, who knows where they'll find themselves the next day.

"The thundering outside is concerning."Shinji says, wrapping herself in blankets.

"I really hope Mingi-hyung and Byeongkwan-hyung are doing alright."Daehee mutters beside Shinji, and the girl embraces the younger with her blanketed arms."I hope so too."

Mingi, you had better not get struck by lightning.. You too, Byeongkwan-hyung. Yunho though to himself.

Hours later there was silence outside. It seemed like the sky started to clear up. The sun started to peek over the horizon, and the rain thinned down into lighter droplets until it ceased.

Shinji makes her way out of the sickbay and stands by the baluster outside.

The other crewmen soon came up from below deck as well, to
check the ship's condition. The deck was wet, and thankfully the sails only suffered minimal damages.

Suddenly, white flakes started showering over them in a slow gentle pace.

"Wow."Mingi muttered, catching snowflakes with his hands.

"It's beautiful."San agreed, with a small smile.

"It's snowing.."Chan muttered in disbelief.

"Reminds me of winter back home."Wooyoung mumbled, remembering his hometown.

"Yeah, it was winter when we met too."Yeosang said, standing beside his best friend. The two of them lived in the same island, and met one winter morning when they were younger.

"You remembered."Wooyoung couldn't help but smile at Yeo's statement.

"Of course I do."Yeosang smiles as well."It was the day I met the most annoying, person ever."

Woo frowns, but then feels an arm wrap around his shoulders."Who I never thought would be my closest friend."Yeosang finished his statement.

"I never thought I'd get to see snow at place like this."said Seonghwa.

"You know what they say, there's always a rainbow after the rain."Jongho sighed.

"Speaking of rainbows, look."Donghun points to the sky.

A rainbow ran over their ship.

Hongjoong who had started to feel a bit better, lightly opens the door to his quarters, to peek outside. He sees the flakes of snow and the girl that stood outside, who had her hands on the balustrade.

And before he knew it, that weird feeling started taking place again. He clutches the shawl that was draped over his shoulder, giving her one last glance before shutting the door as he saw San approach the other.

He flops back onto his bed, feeling warm, and he knew it wasn't due to the fever, though he wished it were.


When mid day came, the crew had reached the next place in the map. The clouds were somehow the shade of gold and glitters flew everywhere. They knew very much which territory they were currently in, and it wasn't good.

"Everyone prepare yourselves, those creatures May start to appear any time."Junhee voiced out.

"Don't let them get to you, remember they will kill you."Seonghwa reminds them.

The men on the deck prepared themselves, their hands occupied by their muskets and cutlasses, ready to fight.

Donghun and Yeosang were both in the navigation room, Yunho, Chan and Daehee were in the infirmary with Shinji.

Pretty soon the saw lace like golden fins, moving amongst the clouds, heading towards their ship.

"They're coming."Jongho says from up the crow's nest, while looking through a telescope. He abandons the spot and lands on the deck, taking his weapons out and getting into stance.

Heads then start poping up from the surface of the clouds. Golden women with fins for swimming in the clouds now surrounded the ship. There were a lot of them, and they eyed the men on the ship like predators delectably staring at their prey.

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