Chapter 9

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The late night reading and hours of flipping pages paid off the next morning, as a groggy disheveled looking Yunho came stumbling through the door of the Captain's quarters with a book clutched in one hand.

The blue haired male took wobbly steps, as he made an effort to approach his Captain, who was seated on his desk. The redhead eyed the taller with a startled face.

"I found something interesting last night,"he paused, as a yawn broke free from his mouth."Apparently there's this specific species of butterfly that comes out one's every five years during a full moon."he says and rubs his eye.

"And?"Hongjoong urges him to continue, thirsting for more details.

Yunho yawns once again."They can be found in the skyland of Fogden. Maybe they're the butterfly under the moon."

Hongjoong processes the information Yunho had brought to him, he rises from his seat and gives Yunho a pat on the shoulder and a smile."Thank you Yunho, you can take a nap now. I'm giving you the day off."

The sleepy male manages to give the older a thumbs up and a grin."You're the best hyung, see you tomorrow."he slurs, making his way towards the door to take his leave.

The door then opens, and another member stood outside eyeing Yunho with surprise.

The tired male slips pass the brunette navigator, towards the direction of the sickbay.

"Yeosang great timing, Yunho just told me what he found out."Hongjoong beckons the other to come in.

"Did he stay up all night? He looks like a panda."Yeosang asked, thumb pointing at the now closed door.

"Apparently he did. He said there's a butterfly species that comes out every five years during a full moon that can be found in Fogden."Hongjoong heads over to his desk and unravels a map of the sky, pointing to one of the skylands that were illustrated in the paper. "It's this one right?"

Yeosang looks over the other's shoulder and lightly nods in affirmation with a hum."We're actually not that far from there right now. I calculated our route, based on the stars last night and the speed the ship is going I concur we're somewhere right here."the brunette places his index finger about two inches away from the destination.

"If we sail towards there right now, how long will it take us to get there?"Hongjoong inquires.

"Half a day I believe so."the brunette responds.

"Alright, gather the others to the main deck. We'll discuss it with them while it's still early. Yunho is excluded since I gave him a day off."

"Aye Captain."


As soon as the crew were rounded up at the main deck, the Captain wasted no time and made sure the men were all ears.

"Prepare the ship to sail towards Fogden. Yeosang estimates we'll be there by the end of the day if we go now. Mingi, you take the weel, San, you stay with Shinji and make sure Yunho gets his sleep. The rest get back to their work.

"Aye Captain!"they replied before scattering away to their stations.

Hongjoong retreats to his quarters followed by Yeosang. Mingi was now manning the wheel and San went on his way to the infirmary.

"Good morning!"the silvery haired male greeted.

"Good morning San-ssi, sounds like everyone's busy."Shinji noticed, the echos of numerous footsteps and voices couldn't go unheard from the infirmary.

"We're sailing to Fogden right now actually. Yunho found some clue last night about the butterfly in Fogden, so we're headed there right now."says San.

The girl perks up at the familiar name and this didn't go unnoticed by San."Is everything okay?"

"Oh yes, I used to live there."she replied with a small chuckle."now that you mention it, I do recall watching butterflies at night with my brother. They would fly over this wide field behind my house."

"Wait really?! We have to tell Captain about this."San takes Shinji's hand in an attempt to take her to the Captain's quarters, which catches her off guard making her flinch a bit."Oh, sorry about that."

"I-it's alright San-ssi, let's go?"she says, and San smiles as they left, leaving behind a sleeping Yunho.

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