Chapter 30

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On the second morning while they were passing through the Pastel Skies, the clouds suddenly diverged and there was a clear passage which seemed to lead out of area.

Another surprising event followed, as fhales started appearing from below the ship and and swayed their tales gracefully as they followed the channel of space between the clouds.

"The fhales are here!"San cheered, his eyes gleaming in excitement.

"They're beautiful."commented Jongho with a contented smile.

"I've never seen fhales before."Sehyoon says with fascination.

"Me too, but now we get to."Byeongkwan smiled at the other.

They all admired the beautiful massive creatures that swam by the ship, their colored ranged from dark violet to blue to magenta, and golden stars followed them as they swam.

From the stern, Hongjoong sees Shinji with Donghun and Daehee. The two seemed to discussing the scene to Shinji.

Junhee catches sight of the other Captain who was looking anywhere else than straight ahead.

"The fhales are up here and Utopia is up ahead, not down there Joong-ah."Junhee teased.

Hongjoong snap out of it and looks up at Junhee, face turning reddish like the sky and his coat.

Junhee smirks"I see you've already found a new course after Utopia. Could it be the heart of a certain maiden?"

Hongjoong got redder as he defensively shakes his head.

"No use denying it Captain, I know a lovesick look when I see one haha"Junhee elbows other.

Hongjoong looks away."Please don't tell Donghun-hyung."


They followed the pod of fhales, like they were part of the traveling group and by the next day they were already out of the pastel colored clouds.

"It's straight on from here."said the navigator Yeosang.

"By midday we'll surely be there."Donghun added.

As they went on their way, other skylands appeared and one of those skylands looked very attractive as it had many leafy trees bearing fruits, lot of lovely blooming flowers and maidens who were picking fruits.

As they were about to pass by the island the maidens beckon at the men on the ship.

"Pretty."Woo mumbled.

"Aye."second Byeongkwan.

"Snap out of it."shouted Yeosang who pulled the two dazed men away from the railing, where they were gawking at the maidens who were now giggling.

"Back away from the rigging and ignore them."

"What's happening to them?"Sehyoon couldn't help but ask as he lifted Byeongkwan over his shoulder and took him away.

"That's Illusion Island, everything you see isn't true."replied Hongjoong.

Donghun restrains Mingi from further going near the rigging."Mingi, stop squirming."

"Yah, Wooyoung you too. They're not real."Yeosang scolded, having a hard time stopping his best friend. San then helps him.

Once they passed by the island it's seemingly beautiful trees and flowers disappeared and was replaced with black trees with no leaves.

"What just happened? It was beautiful before?"Jongho couldn't believe his eyes.

"That's why it's called Illusion Island. Those maidens, trees and flowers aren't real."the navigator explained."When you see it for the first time, it'll make you think that it's beautiful because it wants you to come to it. But if you ignore it and pass by it it'll reveal it's true form."

"But why would the island want you to come to it?"asked San.

"Simple, if you go there you'll never be able to leave. Once you're in there you'll think it's so beautiful that the thought of leaving won't even cross your mind."answered Donghun."Then the island will slowly absorb your energy, slowly killing you. It's needs energy to be able to pull off its little mirage. That way it can attract more people to prey on."

As they steer away passed the secretly deadly Island, something caught their eyes.

"That stranded ship looks very familiar."Junhee furrowed his eyebrows eyeing it from where they were. His eyes then fell on the flag that fluttered from the wind.

"Isn't that the..."Jongho trailed off.

"Yep, it's the Welkins' ship alright."Hongjoong confirmed.

"But why is it on Illusion Island?"they all turned to Yeosang.

"I kind of purposely made them end up there using that fake map."Yeo replied, brushing his nape.

The others exchanged looks of shock and horror.

Hongjoong chuckles and pats the brunette on his shoulder."You just led them to their deaths."

"I know. But they did cause you and Shinji to fall overboard and we had to go through so much trouble to get the two of you back. Plus they've killed a lot of people. I think they deserve this fate."Yeo crosses his arm with cute yet menacing look.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side."Woo says sheepishly.

"Well he's got a point. Also I don't think all of them will die though. If you have a strong mentality you might just be able to leave that place."said Donghun.

They all nodded as they glanced back at the Island, while they slowly sailed away.


A couple of minutes passed and they had made it to a empty cloudy area. They were suddenly a bit anxious. But as they sailed a bit more ahead, some clouds started to part away and a silhouette of land could be seen.

"Straight ahead, everyone there it is!"Hongjoong couldn't help but to exclain.

The ship sailed towards the skyland and dropped anchor as they reached it's side. The all got off and wandered their eyes around the place. It was indeed beautiful and unlike anything they've seen before.

There were different colors of plants, trees bore exotic kinds of fruits, flowers all around and a , a waterfall flowed from a high area near them and a mountain could be seen.

Out of nowhere, a little boy appeared, holding a lantern.

"Welcome to Utopia travelers."greeted the little boy with golden locks of curly hair, wearing a white robe.

"Hello there, who are you?"asked Junhee.

"I am Kyu, guardian of Utopia."the boy bowed.

"You're a guardian?"

"Yes, I may look young but I am older than all of you."he smiled.

Their mouths fell half open. The guardian of Utopia looked like a twelve year old little boy, but he wasn't. Apparently, he had been living on the island ever since the beginning.

Kyu looks over behind the others and smiles widely when Daehee steps forward, and starts walking towards him.

"Welcome home, brother."

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