Chapter 27

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One Ship

The next day the men were gathered in the main deck once more.

"What's going on?"Mingi couldn't help but ask.

"I have no idea as well, those four haven't said a word."Jongho who was standing next him replied.

"I know everyone's confused and curious as to why we've gathered you all here. We had a discussion."stated Yeosang.

"We will be starting our journey to Utopia today. But Yeo, Seonghwa, Jun and I discussed about some problems that we saw with the route and our way of traveling."said Donghun."and we consulted Sehyoon as well."

"Traveling in two separate ships won't be easy, since each ship will face trouble like the storms and Allures alone. If one of the ships get damaged badly, it will slow the other down."Sehyoon pointed out.

"So what are you suggesting?"the question came from Woo.

"We travel in one ship."Yeo replied.

"What?! And what about the other ship?"Chan asked.

"Relax, we will travel in one ship. But no ship will be left behind."Donghun smiled.

"You lost me at 'travel in one ship but no ship is left behind'."Byeongkwan scratches his head in confusion.

"I think my brain is one that got left behind."Mingi murmured, scratching his head.

"Can y'all just give it to us straight? We're losing brain cells here."San says a bit frustrated.

"Yeah, enough talking in riddles."Woo seconds.

"But I thought the two of you didn't have any brain cells."Jongho scoffs at WooSan.

"Ouch that's mean."San pouted.

"You're starting to sound like Yeosang."Wooyoung grimaced.

The others laughed at the scene unfolding in front of them.

"Alright, alright. What we mean is that what if we combined the ships into one?"

"Combine? As in together?"Yunho's brows furrowed.

"But how will you do it?"asked Kwan.

"We got these magic talismans from a magic merchant two years ago."Sehyoon pulls out two golden pieces of paper from his coat which had symbols written in each.

Donghun then takes the talismans."These are to be placed at the part of the ship where the wheel is attached to, specifically the body of the wheel. When it's placed on both ships, it'll join the two together."

"That kind of sounds hard to believe, but then again I've seen crazier stuff."says Yunho.


"Alright, once I put this talisman on the body of the wheel, everyone should head for to the starboard side of the ship. Got it?"asked Seonghwa since he was the one putting the talisman on desire.

The crew nods and starts to move away.

On the deck of Cactus, Captain Junhee was orienting his crew as well.

VOYAGE I: Onwards To Utopia Where stories live. Discover now