Chapter 6

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Hongjoong, Mingi and Jongho sat on the white sheet covered beds in the infirmary. Yunho had just finished mending Jongho and Mingi's musket wounds, and was now in the middle of treating his Captain's.

After that little escapade back at the market place, the three had just noticed that they were wounded. Mingi got shot on the arm and had a few scrapes, Jongo got shot on the side and on his shoulder, while Hongjoong got shot on the back and got a slit on the back of his thigh when one of the maniacs threw a knife at them.

It was reckless of them to risk their lives like that, just to save some girl that they don't even know. The captain himself didnt even know why he saved her and got himself and his two crew members wounded.

Hongjoong was drowning in his spiraling thoughts, when Yunho spoke.

"What do you plan to do with her now, hyung?"the blue-haired man who was in the middle of dabbing a cloth with ointment on his Captain's wound asked.

"We need to return her to her relatives."Hongjoong replies, slightly cringing  as he felt the stinging feeling coming from his wound.

"But we can't just drop her off back at Sunie."Jongho says, taking a sip of the tea that San brought them a while ago.

"She didn't seem scared of us after we told her that we were pirates, perhaps she's also part of a crew."Mingi chimes in.

"That sounds a thad bit impossible, but if ever she is then we'll return her to them."their Captain mumbles.


At the navigation room, Shinji sat quietly in one corner, as San, Wooyoug and Daehee kept her company. She had also just met the navigator Yeosang, who she identifies for having a deep voice but was not similar to Mingi's deep voice as well.

"Shinji-ah, do you have a family?"asked a voice which she distinguished as San.

"I used to, but now I only have my brother."the blind girl answers.

"Oh, so where is he now? How did you end up with the Captain and being chased by savages?"Wooyoung  furrows his eyebrows.

Shinji's expression saddens, as she remembers her beloved brother who must be frantically worried about her right now somewhere in the sky, and this caused her to tear up.

"Oh no, Wooyoung-hyung. You made her cry."Daehee turns to Wooyoung, who was now panicking.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."the black-haired male, awkwardly rubs the girl's back trying to soothe her.

"It's o-okay, its just that,"she sniffles."Donghunie must be worried sick right now trying to find me. He asked me to wait for him outside the shop, so he could buy a new magnifying glass. Everything was fine u-until that horrible man dragged me away."she sobbed."If it hadn't for your Captain, Mingi-shi and Jongho-shi I don't know what would have happened to me."she badly wanted to be with her brother right now.

"Its okay Shinji-noona, please don't cry. We'll get you back to your brother soon."Dae says and hands Shinji a handkerchief.

Not far from where the four were, Yeosang was busy rummaging through the stuff on his table.

"Darn it, I can't find it."the navigator mumbles, slightly annoyed messing his hair as he lets out a sigh.

While going through the pile of maps and other things on his desk, one of the rolled papers on the side cascaded off the table. It falls on the floor, rolls towards the four's direction, unravelling, and its end bumps unto Shinji's foot.

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