Chapter 22

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Shinji could only scream as she felt nothing around her but violet wind. She was cold. She was scared. She new she was falling from the sky. Never in her dreams did she ever wanted something like this to happen to her. But it seemed like fate loved playing games.

Someone...please save me.

Even though she felt hopeless that anyone would come after her, she still hoped.

"Shinji-ah!!"called an all too familiar voice.

At that moment, she knew her prayers had been answered. She new Hongjoong came after her. Right now, as she was falling, she wished she could see he as coming after her.

"Hongjoong-shi..."she whispered.

"Shinji, don't worry. You're not alone. I'm here."Joong shouted as it was a bit hard to be heard because of the strong wind.

Tears filled Shinji's eyes.

He came after me...

Not long later, Shinji felt her body crashed into something cold. She was submerged because of the impact.

Is this the end for me? I can't swim, I can't see.. does the world have no mercy on a poor girl like me?

Hongjoong crashes into the water seconds after Shinji falls in. He immediately resurfaces, but sees no sign of the girl. He dives back into the cold dark water, and sees her silhouette. Joong swims to her direction and pulls the girl to the surface.

"Shinji-ah, wake up."he says to her, but she was already unconscious.

Hongjoong then sees a floating board of wood, big enough to be a wraft. He swims the two of them towards it and hauls Shinji out of the water. He was exhausted and Shinji was still unconscious.

He turns to her, pushing on her chest, giving her air trying to revive her.

You can't die... I'll never forgive myself. Please wake up.

After a couple of minutes, Shinji caughts out all the water in her system. With an exhausted smile Hongjoong passes out on the wraft.


Blinding light strikes Shinji's face, she opens her eyes knowing she still won't see anything. But something was odd. The surface below her no longer felt shaky and nauseating. It felt soft, like cloth.

Where am I? She thought. As her last memory of the passing events was water, lots of water. She remembered drowning, then being saved and revived. But after she was revived she couldn't remember anything else. And now,she didn't where she was and who saved her.

"You're awake lassie."said a femenine voice, making Shinji turn her head from side to side.

"Who are you?"she asked in a rather slightly hoarse voice.

"Amelia dear, remember me?"

Shinji was filled with surprise.

Amelia? The Sea witch?

The one who took her sight in exchange for her brother's life.

"From the look on your face, I can tell you remember me. Too bad you don't remember me in the best way, considering that I deprived you from seeing ever again. I'm sorry about that, but your sight has been quiet useful to me."said the witch.

"It's fine, you did cure my brother."Shinji replied." A deal is a deal after all, I'm glad it's of use to you."

"Still such a sweet girl. I wonder, why did I find you on a raft that washed up near my cave with an unconscious man?"

"The Captain..."

"He's on the other room. Poor lad he still hasn't woken up."the witch shook her head.

I hope he's alright..

"He came after me.."she whispers, snippets of what happened at the sea flashing in her mind. She recalls his worried visage, how he shouted her name, as they were the last things she saw and heard before falling unconscious.

"Hmmm, how did the two of you end up in the sea? Aren't you suppose to be in the sky?"

"I fell from his ship, and I guess he went after me."

"Oh, so he jumped after you. My my, such a bold thing to do." The witch seemed impressed."Are you two together?"

"Huh? Uh no. We're not."Shinji answered shyly, her cheeks feeling warm.

"And yet the emotional auras are quite similar."Amelia though out loud.


"Nothing dearie, just me mumbling whatnot."

Amelia helps Shinji up and walks the girl to the kitchen of her cave.
Shinji was seated on a soft furniture and she was started for a but when something fluffy jumped on her lap.

"What's this?"she gasps, feeling the fluff covered creature that moved around before settling on her lap.

"My cat Fishbone, he loves visitors."the witch replies, placing a bowl of soup in front of the girl.

Amelia then sees a hand by the entrance of the kitchen and a rather drowsy lad who couldn't walk straight approached.

"Oh, the young lad is awake. Come and join us."she signals Hongjoong to come to their spot.

When Hongjoong's vision became clear, he sees the all too familiar girl sitting on the table, petting a cat. He immediately runs up to her, holding her in her shoulders.

"Shinji-ah, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?"he asked, checking her for any injuries.

Shinji stiffens in his touch, making Fishbone jump off her lap."U-uh yes. I'm alright. How about you, Captain?"

Hongjoong lets go and breathes out a sigh of relief. He was so worried, since the last thing he remembered was reviving her. But now she was here, all in one piece. It made his chest feel lighter.

Hongjoong then looks up and sees the witch who was smiling warmly at them.

He bows."I'm sorry. Um, my name is Hongjoong. Thank you for saving us and taking us in. Your hospitality is greatly appreciated."he bows once again.

"Oh it's alright laddie, I know this friend of yours. We've met before. Come and sit, we can talk about these matters for now."

Comment down which country you're from, I'd love to know🤔💞

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