Chapter 25

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There's still a way

Upon arriving at Amelia's cave, they immediately found the two they were looking for and had a warm reunion. The crew ran down the gangway and greeted the witch, thanking her for taking the two in. After that, they attacked the two with hugs and tears couldn't be avoided.

Seonghwa appraoched Hongjoong."Captain."he began and the other looks at him. The first mate then started bawling, which startled the other."Seonghw—"he was cut off.

"I was so worried."Hwa cried and wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt.

Joong pats the older on the back."You did well, Hwa."he smiled, and Seonghwa was tearing up again.

"Captain!"Woo called."Don't do anything reckless like that again."he slaps the older in the shoulder.

"Jumping like that without  a second thought, we were all scared shitless."Yunho added.

"That was so brave, but also really horrifying."Mingi mumbled beside Yunho.

"I thought it was cool."Jongho said proudly.

Yeosang who was standing behind the younger shakes his head and crosses his arms."You always find dangerous things cool."

San stood quietly amidst the nagging and scolding their Captain received. He was glad the two were fine, and that's all that mattered. He glances over at Shinji who was with Daehee, feeling that heavy load on his chest disappear.

"Noona! Are you well?"Daehee greeted Shinji with a hug, which the girl gladly returned.

"Daehee, I'm well. I missed you."she ruffled his hair with a fond smile.

"Out of the way! Shinji!! "a crying Donghun went pass the others as if walking through a forest. He embraces her and cried louder. 

Shinji could only pat him on the back. She had worried him again, and she felt bad. "Donghunie, I'm fine. I was worried about you worrying about me again. Please don't cry anymore."

"He hasn't had any proper sleep since you fell off the ship."Junhee who had just arrived said.

"His eyebags are so bad, he'd probably be sleeping for a week after this."Chan commented.

"Oh, I think he just fell asleep."Byeongkwan says, noticing how the older seemed to have fallen limp in his sister's arms.

Sehyoon walks over to check and nods to the other in confirmation. "Kwan and I will carry him back."he says, picking the older male up.

Chan then approaches Shinji's side."Let's go, Shinji-ah."and assisted her up, the girl holding onto the other's arm as they made their way to the ship.


Soaring the skies again, after finally getting the two back on board. The two crews held another meeting. This was their last mission, so they had to plan everything accurately.

The ships were on standby as the members of each crew were gathered in the Captain's quarters once again.

"Now that we're all together again we can continue our Voyage."Hongjoong spoke."But the problem is that the Welkins took the map."

"They've probably sailed halfway already."Junhee muttered.

"What are we going to do now?"Seonghwa chimed."Without the map, we have no idea where to go."

"The map was magic too and one of a kind."Donghun sighed.

"We're doomed, the Captain is going to stay as a rock forever."Wooyoung grunted.

"All of that hard work for nothing." San pouted.

"At least he'd be a pretty rock statue."Mingi thought. Yunho was fighting the urge to laugh and Seonghwa couldn't help but to facepalm.

Pretty soon, the room was blanketed with silence. What should they do now? Without the map, they were going nowhere.

Hongjoong then catches a glimpse of their navigator, who was standing by a bookshelf next to him and seemed to be suppressing a laugh.

"You seem oddly calm about this situation, that you also find it amusing."he said to him, with squinting eyes."Aren't you a teensy bit worried?"

Yeosang then turns to him."I'm not worried one bit."he replies with a knowing smile.

They all stared at him in disbelief.

The navigator then sighs."Okay fine."he says, before walking towards the table and speaks."Everyone stop moping. There's still a way to get to Utopia, and the Captain won't become a stone statue forever."

"And by that you mean?"Jongho asked.

Yeosang then pulls out a rolled piece of paper from inside of his shirt."I still have the map."

Everyone stares at him, all jaw-dropped and flabbergasted.

"What? But didn't you hand it over to the Welkins?"Seonghwa reacted.

"Or did I?"he unrolls the map and golden lines ran across it, revealing their planned course with a smirk.

It was indeed the map.

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