Chapter 19

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A Dream

The time the boys spent with Shinji came to an end, as they all had to go back to work. She was then left by herself, with a mind filled with spiraling thoughts

She then thought about Hongjoong.

He'd be free, he wouldn't have to freeze whenever night comes. He'll be free to live, to be happy, to do things. Perhaps he'll even fall in love with someone he'll want to spend his life with. Someone who is beautiful, is kind, can cook, can get things done and most of all... can see. Someone who isn't me.

It saddened her. Although she was happy that he'll be free, but the thought of Joong made her sad. Who knows, maybe after the curse is broken she won't get to be with them anymore. The two crews would go their separate ways.

And where would that leave her? She'll probably return to how her life used to be before she got into the mess back in Sunie. A blind girl who is always taken cared of by her brother.

She rolls to the side of her bed, her hands tightening around the blanket. And that night, she silently cried herself to sleep.


Upon being entrusted with patching together the map, Donghun and Yeosang stood across each other eyeing the pieces of parchment that were sprawled on the table. Yeosang pics up a corner piece, that seemed to be the top half and attaches another one that fits the tear, completing more than half of the map. Donghun moves a piece below it, that went at the bottom.

"Now how we keep it together?" thought Donghun, and as though someone answered his question, the tore parts of the pieces that fitted together glowed with a faint golden light.

The light lasted a couple of seconds before it vanished, leaving behind a full, seamless, clear map.

Yeosang pics up the map to look at it, shaking it a bit to see if it falls apart, but it doesn't.

"Wow."was all Donhun could mutter and he runs his gaze on the parchment.

"Captain needs to see this, I'll send for him."Yeosang says, handing the map to Donghun before heading for the door.

Once Yeosang opened the door, he sees San who was just about to pass by."Sannie, perfect timing. Could you please get the Captain? We're done putting the map together."

San gives the navigator a bright smile and an enthusiastic nod."Sure Sangie! I was headed to see him anyway."

"Thank you."


Hongjoong later arrives at the navigation room along with San, they approach the table that the two were already gawking at.

"Captain! Why don't you do the honor of asking the map our destination."says Yeosang.

Hongjoong holds the map at either sides"Where is Utopia?"Joong asked.

Again, the map answered by making golden little spaced lines appear on the paper, headed towards a little Skyland that suddenly pops out of nowhere. There it stops and an x appears.

Yeosang looks closely and traces his index finger on the paper. He stops at a small litte skyland.

"It really is true, that Utopia exists."Donghun says, his eyes sparkling."According to myth, that island is the most beautiful place in the sky. But it's location is very remote and was never charted in any maps known to man."

"Has anyone been there?"asked San.

"I've heard tales when I was younger that there were some, but none ever told a complete tale of where it lied on the sky."Hongjoong leaned on the table."They said that once you've been there once, you'll never set foot on it again once you leave. It's like a once in a lifetime chance."


It was close to dawn, Shinji had risen quite early, as she had barely slept. She leaves her quarters and makes her way to the main deck of cactus thanks to her walking stick, and her memorization of the ship's structure.

She stands by the forecastle and holds onto the rails. It was so quiet that the only thing you could hear was the sound of the breeze, the slight creaking of the wooden floorboards, and the flapping of the sails. But somehow, Shinji could feel a presence that suddenly emerged beside her.

"Worry not Shinji-noona, something awaits you in Utopia."

"Daehee? How did you get here at this hour?"

"Everything will make sense, soon." And just like that, the presence beside her was gone just as abrupt as it came.

Later in that day, Shinji found herself waking up from her bed.

That was odd, could it have been a dream?

"Shinji-ah, were having a meeting today. Are you up yet?"Donghun called from outside the door.

"Yes, I am. I'll be out in a minute."she answered, dismissing her earlier thoughts.

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