Chapter 29

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Red Coat

Not a sound could be heard, but the sound of the wind filling the sails. No one dared to move, as the Allures stared at them like a pack of wolves cornering a heard of sheep.

"Don't look at them, not even a single glance."Seonghwa told the men, his voice deep and monotone.

They proceeded man the ship forward, and the Allures followed. Swimming at either side of the ship. Then, it happened. They started singing.

Oh come my sweet sky sailor

Set your eyes upon mine

In your arms I will be

Leave the ship, come to me

Their voice sounded like a choir of angels. They had wonderful voices, so tempting that the other crew men failed to ignore them.

Some of the men started walking towards either side of the ship, fully hypnotized and dazed by the bewitching song and eyes of the Allures. Some tried to stop them, some succeeded and some failed.

"Ignore them, you all have to ignore them or you'll die!"Junhee resounded to the crew who were already in a frenzy men were being pulled overboard, some were being saved by the other men, and some were being pushed off the ship by the Allures who started leaping from the clouds and over the ship.

They were losing people, they were losing crewmen. These creatures needed to be stopped.

While the two Captains struggle to man the ship together, while also trying not to get pushed off the ship. The others began to slack and shoot at the creatures that had started to pounce on the ship.

It was time to kill these golden maindens, no matter how pretty they were. They were vile creatures and the crew wasn't going to hold back.

Allures were now on board the ship floating by the men and dragging them into the clouds with them, where they either cut the men's heads off or one by one break their limbs apart.

The Allures would smile maniacally and laugh once they kill a man and go back to ship to kill another one. "We have to kill them."said Wooyoung who shots an allure who was heading towards him in the head.

San swings his cutlass towards one of the creatures, severing it's head off. The head falls on the deck but was surprisingly still alive and hops towards San who got freaked out."Ahhh! Why the heck is it still alive?!"he squeals before s sword impales the hopping head. It was Jongho.

"Focus hyung, we need to slay them."said the younger, before running off to help the other men.

"Kwan-hyung, get Donghun-hyung and Yeosang to help carry the wounded to the infirmary so Yunho and Chan can tend to them!"Seonghwa shouted from the stern, his one hand on the wheel while the other held a cutlass as he swings it around to protect himself from the leaping golden creatures.

Kwan immediately did what he was asked and ran to get the others.

Sehyoon was by the forecastle fending off the goldies as well. An allure leaps towards him, it's teeth long and sharp as well as it's nails. Sehyoon slashes his cutlass horizontally across the allure, cutting it in half by it's mid section and it's golden blood splattering everywhere.

Gunshot and slashing sounds filled the area and lasted about an hour. Pretty soon, the Allures decided to retreat as they lost many of their fellows.

Silence blanketed the entire ship, aside from the heavy breathing of the men from the fatigue.

"Is everyone alright?"asked Junhee, who came running from the stern.

Some nodded, some couldn't even utter a word from shock, and some sobbed quietly, either while hugging a fellow crew member for comfort or while hugging the injured or dead body of their other lost mate.

Sadness, was the only emotion that filled the crew's hearts. They lost a matie, who wasn't only a friend. But a family. And nothing couldn't be more disheartening.

The sound of clicking boots caught their attention, as he made his way down the main deck in his ever so striking red coat.

No one had seen and heard from him in days, except the medic. This was the first time he'd finally left his quarters since. "How many men died?"Joong eyed the men, traces of tiredness still visible on his face.

A Seonghwa replies weakly."Ten, Captain."

Hongjoong faces the others, all covered in scratches and blood, disheveled appearances blank faces.

"I know you're all upset about this tragic event, it hurts me too. To see some of our beloved hardworking men die. I too wished this Voyage didn't have to be so dangerous— that we won't have to lose anyone. But no one said this was going to be easy."he says to them."Please don't lose hope now, we're nearly there."

Junhee then heads towards Hongjoong and stands beside him."I agree with him. The men we lost won't be forgotten. They were family and will always be remembered. To mourn their deaths, let's send out some lights for them."

The did just that. Each one of them lit a paper lantern and released it to the sky.


The golden sky had now faded into pastel pink, blue, purple and yellow. They were out of the territory of those wretched creatures for now, and were currently sailing through a sea of pastel colored clouds.

This territory was different and unlike any part of they that they've been too. This place was calm, peaceful, almost like a dream.

Shinji stood by the at the balcony that was at the back of the ship just above the rudder. It was the balcony of the navigation room. Her mind was drifting somewhere at the same time she was enjoying the silent journey.

"It's so quiet here."said a voice from behind her.

Donghun stands beside her, placing his elbows on the wooden railing and slightly leaning forward.

"It is."she agreed.

"I noticed you've been awfully quiet these passed few days, even when we got you back after losing you at the market place."Donghun began."I can't help but feel like you're not telling me something, and I'm worried. But if you don't wan to talk about it, I understand. I'm here for you."

Shinji teared up at her brother's words. "Donghunie, I think I just experienced my first one sided love."

"You what?!"the older's eyes grew wide."When? With who?! Did he hurt you?"

"No,"she shook her head and wiped her eyes. "He's only ever been kind to me."she smiled.

Once this voyage is over, I'll go on with my life and hopefully..

I'll get over him too.

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