Chapter 16

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The Well

"Now, you're sure it's here?"Junhee nudges Chan.

The cook nods."Definitely, come on. It's been a while since we've been here and I think the well is this way."he says pointing to the direction where an old path seemed to have existed through a group of trees.

The rest follow him, having their trust on the cook's shoulders. The path was mostly covered in tall wild plants and moist soil. They used their cutlasses to clear a path for them.

While passing through the dense woodland San couldn't help but to wave his hands around because of some mosquitoes that were flying around him.

Byeongkwan wasn't paying much attention to where he was going so he bumps into a tall skinny plant, Wooyoung laughts at him but ends up walking into a tree.

The Gunner stumbles back but was caught by Yeosang and Seonghwa before he could fall.

Wooyoung clutches his nose and groans in pain, eyeing the tree with annoyance. Darn tree! he thought to himself.

"Youngie, keep your eyes on the path."his best friend Yeosang reminded him, and playfully pats his head before walking ahead.

Wooyoung pouts, but then continues to walk on ahead still clutching his nose. San joins him and wraps an arm around his shoulders. Behind them they could hear someone stifling a laugh, and it was obviously Byeongkwan.

A squeal startles the group, making them all stop. "What happened?"asked Hongjoong.

Junhee turns around stiffly, his eyes bulging. There was a huge hairy spider crawling up his chest."Get it off me!! Get it off me!!"he yells repeatedly in fear, still unable to move.

"Calm down."Hongjoong says to him, using his cutlass to get the arachnid off his fellow Captain.
Junhee was finally able move, but another thing joined the party. He motions to Joong."Uh, you have something on your left shoulder."

Joong slowly turns his face and it was as if the air got knocked off of his lungs when his eyes saw what it was. It was a green snake. He stood there his face looking like this 0_0

"I got it."Sehyoon steps forward, grabbing the snake from Joong's shoulder and lets the creature swirl around his hands before releasing it.

"We should get out of this area fast before we come across any other creatures."said Donghun, which was agreed by all.

They proceeded to walk a couple more kilometers before halting in front of a mossy ring of stacked stones, protruding from the ground. It was the well.

"So this is it?"Junhee goes closer and looks into the well.

"Yep."says Yuchan, nonchalantly.

Mingi goes in for a closer look, as well as the others."It's so deep." Mingi's voice echoed through the well.

"That's a bit creepy."Yunho comments and Sehyoon casually nods.

"Do we all have to go in there?"asked San, a sweat dripping from the side of his forehead.

"Nope, only a few of us can get in. The rest stay here and wait for us."replies Hongjoong as he eyes his member."Mingi, Seonghwa and Jongho you're all coming with me."

"What?!"Mingi wanted to protest, he was terrified.
"I need strong men with me."the Captain reasons.

"But I'm not emotionally strong right now, Captain."the quartermaster was desperate not to go into that deep hole in the ground, that's probably filled with water inside.

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