Chapter 23

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First Mate

As the two were in good hands with the Sea witch Amelia, the two crews that were left dumbfounded in the sky were a distraught mess. They didn't know what they were supposed to do right now, everyone was in their own little shocked state.

Seonghwa was spacing out, staring out into the horizon as he stood at the sterncastle. The ship was currently in a halt with no one to give a command where to go or what to do.

Wooyoung comes out from the galley, handing everyone some tea to somewhat comfort them and put them at ease.

He sees Seonghwa, and made his was to the sterncastle. In his hands was a two more mugs.

"Everything alright?"Woo asked with a soft tone. Handing him one of the mugs.

Seonghwa accepts it and takes a sip, before shaking his head and letting out a sigh, slumping over and placing his elbows on the rigging.

"I don't know Woo, I don't know what to do. I'm worried, I'm mind is all over the place. Should I take over as Captain for now to go look for them or not? Should I try and encourage the crew first? Hyung..."Seonghwa mumbled.

Woo stands beside Seonghwa, gently stroking the older's back."I know, you're worried a lot. We are too. But it's okay."

"Why did Hongjoong even make me the second in command? I'm his first mate and I can't even pull myself together without him."

"Because he believes in you."Seonghwa answered."He gave all of us a significant role in this ship, simply because he believes that we are the right ones for that role. He saw something special in each of us."

Seonghwa turns to Woo with tear filled eyes."You think so?"

Woo nods with a smile."I'm sure of it. He saw something great in you that made him decide that you should be second in command. Now's the time to show that, to show that he was right and most of all to make him proud."

Hwa wipes his tears."Thanks Wooyoung-ah, but I don't think I can do this alone. You know, leading the crew."he mutters.

"That's why you have us."both Seonghwa and Wooyoung turned to the stairs that let to where they were. There stood Yeosang who remained unshaken by the current events, Yunho who seemed like he had been crying for a while but was now feeling better, Mingi who smiled softly, San who was hugging Mingi and nods lighty, Jongho who was also unfazed, and Daehee who stood beside San and gives his Seonghwa-hyung a reassuring smile.

"You don't have to do this alone, remember we're here for you."Yeosang stepped forward, patting Seonghwa lightly on the shoulder.

"We're here for each other."Yunho heads for Seonghwa's side and hugs him.

"We'll help you in keeping things in order."Mingi stepped forward as well, along with San.

"Just like how we help Captain."murmured San.

"Cause a Captain can't do everything by himself, even if he's strong enough. It's always better to have people beside you to help."said Jongho stepping forward as well.

"I'll do my best to be of help too."Daehee says, his eyes filled with perseverance.

Seonghwa was touched by how his friends, family rather showed how they were willing to help him. The quartermaster couldn't help but hug Daehee who was shocked but eventually returned the hug.

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