Chapter 8

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The four of them spent a couple of hours flipping through the books that were neatly arranged on the shelves a couple of hours ago. But now they were scattered in piles everywhere in the room.

They were trying to find anything that could somehow decipher or simplify the riddle.

The Captain, and Yeosang were searching and reading about skylands and the moon. While San and Yunho tried searching about the butterfly.

It had already been hours since they started. Hongjoong rested his chin on his palm that was on the table. His eyes were nearly closing, which he forces to open. Yeosang was still busy reading, since he was really great at concentrating. He had already finished reading a couple of books which he stacked in a pile beside him.

San was now asleep, his face was on a book as his saliva ran down like a waterfall on the open page. Yunho wasn't even reading about the butterfly anymore, he was actually reading about a medicinal herbs.

Hongjoong couldn't take the sleepiness anymore, his face slips off his palm and lands on the open book, making a slightly loud thud that startled and woke the other members.

The Captain perks his head up and sits back on his chair. San quickly wipes his drool off and his eyes widen as he sees his spit on the open book. The buccaneer wipes it off with a cloth, but regrets doing so as the ink smudged making the words unreadable.

Yeosang closes his book and sets it aside, massaging his nape, while Yunho eyed everyone.

"Anything?"the captain groggily asked.

"No."they all answered, making the red-haired captain groan in frustration.

"Let's take a break."he announces and crosses his arms on the desk before ducking his head to resume his nap.

San places his book back on the shelf.

"Anything interesting you found out about butterflies?"asked Yeosang.

The other male gives the brunette navigator and the others a horrified and at the same time disgusted look."I am never going to read about butterflies ever again. Specially about those those big ones that look like they have huge eyes on their wings."he cringes."I hope I don't get nightmares when I sleep tonight."

The others laugh as they leave their captain in peace, so he can take his well deserved nap.


Shinji sat silently in the sickbay, hands on her lap as she enjoyed the silence. It was already evening and they had just finished having dinner earlier. Yunho sat quietly on his table, patiently flipping through the book in his hands.

The healer had offered to look further into the clue as he didn't have much to do. He had been reading about butterflies since this morning and that he was pretty sure he'll be seeing them flying around in his dreams.

"Yunho-ssi, can I ask you something?"the girl suddenly spoke, immediately earning the other's attention.

"Sure, what is it?"

"What's the Captain's curse? He mentioned it to me but he never really explained."she says in a low voice.

"Oh, it must've slipped his mind. I'd love to fill you up on it but I think you should hear it from him yourself, I'm sure he'll tell you about it since you're the only one who can help with the clues."the healer replies, receiving a nod in return.

"May I go out to the main deck for a while?"

"Of course, you wanna get some fresh air? Here let me take you there."

She nods."Oh I can go just fine, I have my walking stick."she raises her retractable wooden instrument, which she then extends and uses to navigate the floor.

"Oh that works too. Don't stay out too late then."Yunho bids.

"I won't."and with that she was out the door, the cold evening breeze greeting her in gusts.

She shivered a bit, but ignored the chills that attempted to torment her. Slowly but surely, she was able to make her way into the main deck. It was dead quiet with only the whispers of the breeze to accompany her.

Shinji reached out her hand to feel for the rigging when she felt something warm being draped over her shoulders. She gasps a bit at the sudden occurrence.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you. It's just that aren't you cold?"asked a mellow voice, followed by a soft chuckle.


"The one and only."he cheered."So what brings you out here at this hour?"

"Nothing really, I wanted to get some fresh air I guess."she replies.

"You seem down, I bet you really miss home."San eyes the girl with concern.

"I've just never been away from them this long."she says, hands fidgeting on her walking stick.

"I understand. Don't worry Shinji-ah, you'll be with them soon. I'm pretty sure they're looking for you so we might run into them one of these days. And if that happens, the Captain says that the decision is up to you whether you'll go or continue to help us."San states. "In the meantime, the crew will be here to cheer you up. I'll be here too!"

Shinji smiles at San's words. It was comforting to know that wouldn't let her feel down, and the fact that the Captain is so understanding.

Right now, I just realized that San is quite a cheerful person.

A cold breeze suddenly blew pass them and San lets out a shiver."We should get inside, it's getting colder."Can I walk you back?"he asks which she responds with a nod.

San then takes her hand, and the two made their way back to the sickbay. He then lets go of her hand when they reach the door.

"We're here. Goodnight Shinji'ah."he bids.

"Goodnight San-ssi, thank you for walking me back."she smiled, taking the coat off her shoulders and handing it forward for San to take.

"No worries."and with that, his footsteps started to sound distant as he left.


Meanwhile back in Cactus..

"Why would ATEEZ take her?"Donghun asks, a finger on his chin.

"Well the old lady back at Sunie did say that they were being chased by armed savage men. Perhaps they were saving her."Byeongkwan mumbles.

"Maybe, but why haven't they returned her to us yet? They must know by now that Shinji is part of our crew."Jun says, tapping his fingers on his table.

"Whatever their reason is, I don't think it's a bad one. We've known ATEEZ for a while now, so I assume that Shinji is in good hands."Sehyoon states as he adjusts his glasses, then flips the page of the hard bound book that he was reading.

Donghun sighs and stares at the bottled flower in his hands."I just can't help but worry."he whispers.

The rest of A.C.E huddle around the oldest."Don't worry hyung, she'll be fine. We'll get her back."Yuchan smiles.

Donghun gives the others a half smile. He wouldn't know what to do if he lost her. She was his everything, he owed her so much, especially since he was the reason why Shinji lost her sight.

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