Chapter One School

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{ Just gonna let everyone know that i dont really edit my storys that well so they're a bunch of mistakes. So like if you dont care continue reading, but if you do i advise that you dont wanna. If someone wants to edit it go ahead just send it to me and ill re post it other wise itll stay.}


"Oh My it's the last period of the last day of school for the year. Why won't the bell ring. I mean haven't we had enough, Kiley, I mean we've been in school since pre school and we never get breaks except for summer, my cousins schools use to have mid term breaks, they had a month off. Why wouldn't our school do it."

Kiley's been my best friend for as long as I can remember, well since pre school, we sat beside each other and well I passed notes to her constantly I've always been the trouble maker kind of girl. While Kiley she's the girl who always did good in school passed notes to but tried not to cause to much trouble.

She has had many boyfriends, Kiley's the third most dated girl at our school, Melissa and my sister Hailey come first of course. I've been kind of the one of us girls who was always holding out for the guy I've had a crush on since preschool, Kiley's brother Jacob, my boyfriend.

They're twins and actually look quite alike, both brown hair, have same facial structures, soft tan colored skin. Jacob has a tough, buff body with strong blue eyes that you can stare deeply into and never get bored, all you want to do is look in them like you could see into his soul. His sister has a lean tall body straight short layered brown hair, the kind Alyssa Millano had in season 5 of charmed. She kind of looks like Alyssa all together just her face is a little more round (same with her brothers). Her eyes are blue but lighter and more mysterious they make you think shes hiding something and all you want to do is find out what that something is. Which helps her get guys that and her choice in clothing.

Kiley's draws are filled with shirts that are really low cut, short shorts, skinny jeans which she says makes her look skinny, and skirts that when she leans over you can see her butt / underwear, as well as super cute but short dresses. She rarely wears her skinny jeans always prefers to show off her butt with skirts, shorts and dresses. If you ever got a glance of her in jeans that weren't skinny that was a sight, she hated them.

I never really could understand why she got good grades but so does her brother, hes the bad boy type the kind every girl dreams of but he has straight A's he has high marks just like Kiley. I guess its there parents, they must expect it. My parents don't care I could get A's, B's like I actually do, C's, D's or even F's. I like to stay on the volleyball team though so I get B's. Melissa does the same but for her it's the cheerleading squad.

"Psst, Could you please pass this to Aly."

"Kiley, pass this to Lyssa, Jacob told me to pass it to her." Mel whispered.

Dear Aly.

You look kind of lonely, I know my sister is kind of a drag shes such a

goody too shoes I have no idea why guys want to stick their tongues

down her throat other then you know her clothes. Please don't let her

Read this though we may be twins but shes the youngest by like 2 min.

So she always plays that card, the one that gets my parents all why would

You do that to her shes so innocent! Well im so bored over here Melissa keeps

Going off about what she packed in her bag for vacation, I hope by the time

You read this class is over, because I haven't kissed you since like this morning

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