The Story of a Reaper- The News

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"Ugh! My head hurts..." Nightmare said sitting up rubbing his head from the headache he had, "Seems like I can never get enough sleep..." Nightmare said standing up and getting undressed from his pajamas. He started to put on his pants and bottom up his shirt and put on his long jacket as he opened his bed room door rubbing his head from the bulging pain coming into his head.

It's too early in the morning for this... I thought in my head as I walked down the hallway heading to the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen I grabbed a cup of water and drunk it all as I kept rubbing my head. I heard Cross come over to the kitchen and notice me, "Lord Nightmare! Good afternoon!" Cross said looking down averting his eyes. "Afternoon? How long was I asleep?" I asked, "You went to bed at 3:00 in the morning, right now it 2:00 in the afternoon..." Cross said looking at me, "What did we do last night?" I asked still rubbing my head from the headache, "Dust and Horror suggested that we just hangout and drink as much alcohol as we wanted, we did so and well...we were kinda being stupid" Cross said rubbing the back of his neck with a nervous smile.

"Huh...okay then, anything else to report?" I asked drinking the rest of my water, "Last night the kingdom rioted, and they're still rioting to now" Cross said making me spit the water from my mouth, "Why did nobody tell me?" I asked, "Well, everyone else was trying to calm everyone down, they told me to find you to help" Cross said. I sighed Today is not the day to piss me off I thought to myself, "Why are they rioting?" I asked as we left the kitchen to go outside, "They said that a child killed another child and a guard, the crowd is trying to find the child and capture him so he can be punished" Cross told me as we reached the door, "So they want me to put a reward on his head?" I asked, "I'm not sure, some people want to kill him, some just want to punish him, but it's best if you just try and capture him alive" Cross said as he opened a portal.

Once we got there we saw people with signs and pitchforks and torches, IT'S TO EARLY IN THE MORNING!!! I screamed in my head. I saw Dust, Horror, Error, and Killer try to calm the crowd down. Tyler, one of my best friends was standing there with a bit of distance from the crowd as he watched them with a bored expression. His dark purple hair and cat ears made him look sad as he slowly wagged his cat tail as he just watched the crowd in his cloak, with his hood down.

"Where is the child!?!"

"He needs to be punished for his crimes!!!"

"Kill the child!"

"Justice needs to be served!"

"That child is a monster!!!"

All these hateful words making me stronger. Tyler walked up to me, "Do you want me to get rid of them?" Tyler asked I shook my head no, "First we need to figure out who and what the child looks like, then if we find them they'd be sent to me to be dealt with," I said, "but we can't do anything till this crowd calms down" I told Tyler and Cross.

"I'll try my best to calm them as much as I can" Tyler said, "I'll try and find the child" Cross said, "May I come with you?" I asked Cross, "I don't want to deal with this crowd" I said as he nodded as we started to jog away from the crowd leaving Tyler and the others.

Once we were dad away from the crowd we started to walk and try and find the child, "Do you know what the child would look like?" I asked Cross, "They said that he wore all black with a black cloak, he looked like a five year old skeleton, and his eyesliguts weren't there" Cross said, "They also said that they killed some of the grass and made it look like a footprint...which is weird" Cross said, "You said that the child killed a guard, how? They're a child" I said, "They said that the guard grabbed the child arm and he just started screaming, turning to dust" Cross replied, "Do what I'm hearing is that, he kills the things he touches?" I said, "That's what the people are claiming, and for the kingdom to riot like this, it must be true" Cross said, "This is bad, Dream is somewhere growing his empire, and now we have a child who can kill people easily? It's best if the kingdoms people didn't deal with this," I said, "What should we do?" Cross asked, "We should start a search party, and try and find the kid...once we find him and capture him, we find a way to kill him...we can't have a child that can kill people so easily! It's too risky" I said Cross nodded, "I'll make sure to tell the others, for now we need to find dead grass tracks that will give us a hint of where he is" Cross said.

We started to look around everywhere that had grass, it took awhile before Cross and I found dead grass footprint in a small alleyway where the forest closed the alleyway. "Mmhh...he came over here...but it also ends here? Could he have used magic?" Cross said, "No... something is off here..." I said. I felt positivity over here, it felt as if Dream was here, "I think Dream was here...I can feel his magic here" I said, "Do you think Dream helped the child?" Cross asked, "Not sure, but we must keep a look out for the both of them if Dream helped the child" I said, Cross nodded.

We decided to walk in the forest in silents till we found footprints. We entered a clearing and found more footprints.

"Seems he came here through a portal, I feel magic around here" Cross said. I felt the magic here too, but it's more powerful and positive then the one near the castle, "Dream was one can make this much positivity in my kingdom...I make sure of that..." I said, "So in conclusion Dream helped the deadly child?" Cross said, "Yeah...but it's way to positive for them to just open another portal..." I said, "Maybe the child joined Dream...remember the time Khloe turned to the Sun empire and how much positivity was surrounding her? Maybe the child joined Dream" Cross said.

"...Fuck...your right! That deadly child can wipe out my- OUR whole kingdom!" I said worriedly, "Wait- hold on! If the child can kill anyone, what makes you so sure that he won't betray Dream and his empire?" Cross said, "Trust me, Dream the kind of person that can make you think he's your friend! He could be trying to grow a fake bond with the child so he can use him against us! I hate it when he uses people, ESPECIALLY CHILDREN!!!" I yelled angrily, "W-what are you going to d-do?" Cross asked, "Make sure that you and the rest of the knights find the child and capture him! Bring him to me when you finish the mission, and while your at it, find out what Dream is planning...DO NOT FAIL ME!" I said with a good voice, "Y-yes s-sir!" Cross said nervously, "Now, I have some business to attend my brutal headache..." I said rubbing my head opening a portal back into the kingdom.

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