The Story of a Reaper- Pup

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As the others did they're job, and some contributed, I am the help the most...I am, the leader...

"NIGHTMARE!!!!" Blue screamed at me from a far. I opened my one eye to see them sitting on the soft green-ish forest floor.

They're fur was a dark blue, from a far it looked black. His ears were perked up, impatiently waiting for me, his tail waging back and forth as it went faster, every time I sat up.

"What?!" I yelled back, "DREAM WANTS TO SEE YOU!" Blue yelled back. I rolled my eyes, as I stretched my back, and walked towards him.

He smiled innocently, I scoffed as I passed him, as he followed me back to our pack.

Our pack consist of my friends, and Dream, my brothers, friend. Dream thought it be a good idea to join our packs together, since we both needed more to join our packs. Me, having no other chose excepted his offer, but one day, I'll be top wolf, and over throw him as Alpha!

As we approached the pack, Blue ran towards Ink who was pilling sticks, for some reason.

"Ink!" Blue yelled as he pinned him down playfully with a smile, "Uh- Heya Blue! What's up?" Ink asked Blue.

Ink fur was brown, his left ear, being dark brown then the rest of his fur, the tip of his tail was dark brown as well, but his mouth was a lighter brown, the same as his stomach and paws.

"I came over with Nightmare to find Dream, he said he needed to talk with him" Blue said. I sat down waiting for there conversation to end.

"You know where he is?" Blue asked, "Yeah, said he was in the den" Ink said, "Oh! Thank you Ink!" Blue said, "No problem, but can you please get off of me? I still have work to do" Ink said, as Blue noticed that they were still pinning Ink down.

"Oh! Sorry" Blue said as he got off of Ink and put there ears down with a apologetic grin on there face, "It's fine, you should get going by the way!" Ink said, "Right! Come on Night!" Blue said. I huffed and stood up, following them into the den that the pack has to share.

The den was warm inside, it was also deep and spacious, but it was somewhat dark, which was a problem.

Blue waited outside with a smile, as I entered the den by myself. "Dream?? You said that you need me" I called out, "Oh, your here" Dream said.

"Yeah, I do need to speak to you" Dream said.

Dream fur was golden, with the tip of his tail being white, the tip of her ears also being white. Dreams paws were a darker gold, and his eyes were as bright as the sun.

"About what?" I asked, "It's about the quick population of deer's and bunnies, and other animals" Dream said walking up to me

I sat down as Dream sat down in front of me, "I need to ask you, and your friends to go hunt some more" Dream requested, "What?! No!" I said, hissing a bit

"Why do we need to hunt when we have plenty of food!?" I said protesting, "Brother, it's not that big of a deal, your just going to kill them off and bring some food back is all" Dream said, making it would like it's nothing

"If we go off and kill animals, when we already have enough food, it will go bad, and go to waste!" I said a bit angry at Dream

If it goes to waste, it goes back to the earth, and makes more plants, it's the circle of life brother, it'll be fine if it goes to waste" Dream said

I huffed, "Just because your alpha doesn't mean you can boss me around brother!" I said, "Actually, it does...unless you wanna test my place in this pack..." Dream said with menacing eyes

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