The Story of a Reaper- WHY LOVE WHY?!?!

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"WHAT?!" Death spat out his coffee, "What is Fatal_Error doing in my boys' Multiversal timeline?!" Death exclaimed, "Ask Love," Sin told him. Everyone looked over at Love as she sat up straight and blushed.

"U-Uhh...w-well-" Love started to say before getting interrupted, "Can we get on the fact that my host was acting weird for the longest time?" Creation asked, "Pfft- It was quite funny to me for a while, but got annoying," Destruction said as Creation growled at them.

"Also, Love, you tampered with my host!" Destruction huffed, "I-" Love was about to explain but got cut off again.

"And for some reason last chapters lucky number was was very annoying to just hear everyone say 100 for the whole entire time..." LadyLuck said, "Pfft- I thought it was funny!" Karama laughed.

"You see-" Love tried starting again, "And it seems everyone has gone off the topic off being 'In love'...we were supposed to make them fall in love to stop the war, but know there's this new topic so now we're going off track," Sin started

"If you let me explain-"

"Well, I wouldn't say they're off-topic, they're still falling in love and such," Wise said, "I don't care! My host said things that only I and they are supposed to know!" Creation huffed, "I didn't want others to know that Ink plays with himself because he's bored and has nothing better to do, and was 'inspired' by Underlust and Undertail for 'research'" Creation huffed.

Everyone cringed, "Well, honestly I'm not complaining!" Life smiled, "Oh really? You're not concerned that Fatal_Error might just kill Reaper? My child because of what happened in his timeline?" Death asked, "What happened in his timeline?" Life asked, "UP- He can't say that..." Fate interrupted, "Why?" Life asked

"Because I can tell other people that us gods are watching us," Fate explained

"More like reading-" Destiny muttered.

Sin rose a brow "Wha- Whatever, Love, you still haven't explained to us wh-" Sin

"IF YOU'D LET ME TALK THEN I WILL TELL YOU!" Love yelled, standing from her seat, heavily breathing.

"Finally! I can speak!" Love sighed, taking a breath before sitting in her seat. "The way love work isn't all that simple, Sure Reaper and Geno love each other, but Geno is still wary, and Reaper isn't too sure what 'REAL LOVE IS'...SO! To fix that! I put them to the test of jealousy!" Love said

"Jealousy?" Destiny asked, "Yes, in Fatal_Error timeline he went though some...things, it made him lose trust in everyone and it made him jealous of everyone...SO! He's gonna take everything away from the two so they both can see how he feels! Just to take his anger out!" Love said

"Are you insane?! My poor baby! My child!" Death wept, "...For a dad you act like a mother, a clingy one at that," Love huffed

"Trust me, he's not clingy, he's just being overdramatic," Life whispered in Love ears, making the both of them giggle, "Trust me, that'll make Geno absolutely sure Reaper would go to hell and back for him, and make Reaper sure that his feelings are ABSOLUTELY correct," Love said

"I'd still like to point out our host are out of wack," Destruction said, "Deal with it," Love smiled. Creation and Destruction growled at Love.

"See! Both of you are getting together fine!" Love smiled at them.

"Uh-...I HATE CREATION!" Destruction yelled, "Only because you're a party pooper! The more the merry pal!" Creation smirked, "More people, MORE PROBLEMS! I get rid of them for a reason! So the multiverse doesn't fill up to the brink and break!" Destruction argued.

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