The Story of a Reaper- An Ally

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I was sleeping happily till a ray of sunlight hit my face from the window, I stirred and rubbed my eyes and sat up in my bed, seems that I can touch the matress, I just can't touch living things. I looked around my room since I couldn't see anything clearly when Dream introduce me in here. I saw a small dresser with a person in it. They moved anytime that I moved, and they copied me. I think it's the person from the stream. I walked up to them and moved around as they copied me. Maybe they feel different then before? as I reached out to them, as they did the same. There hand was cold but it was dry, I tried to touch there face but there hand got in the way of me touching them, I could only touch there hand.

I tried to push there hand out the way, but they copied me. I then gave up, out of boredum of the person as I walked towards the window. I opened it and looked into the forest, bird were chirping and the grass and trees looked beautiful with a golden glow behind them from the sun.

A knock came at my door, "Reaper, you up?" A voice called out, "Yup! Coming!" I replied as I walked to the door and opened it. "Hey, heya kid, I was just wondering if you'd like to train with me!" Dream asked. I nodded with a smile as they lead me downstairs outside away from the house, but not too far

"Okay, first I'm going to teach you how to use basic magic okay?" Dream told me as I nodded. They then closed there eyes and seemed to be focusing on something, then a bone shot from the ground as they grabbed it and pulled it out from the dirt. I clapped and smiled as they smiled back at me, "It's pretty simple and easy to summon! You just have to dig down in yourself and a bone will be summoned" Dream told me.

I copied what they did, I closed my eyes and tried to dig deep in myself, but nothing happened, I check to see if any bones popped up, but none have came. I closed my eyes again but tensed my muscle and tried to dig deeper in myself but nothing happened, I tensed my muscle and strained as much as I could trying to summon something, but the smallest thing happen...

I farted...

I stopped straining and blushed a blue color out of embarrassment, "Sorry!" I apologise as Dream held in there laughter, "I-its o-hehe-okay" Dream said as there cheeks turned yellow trying to hold it all in.

Ink came outside and walked over to us, "What's happening over here?" Ink asked, "I'm trying to teach Reaper how to summon a simple attack" Dream replied as both of our cheeks blush faded away. "Huh...I learned by being in an empty room, and I had time alone to learn by myself" Ink said,"How did you learn Dream?" I asked, "Well, I kinda already knew how to summon bones by birth, so I don't know, instinct?" Dream said scratching there head.

"Well, some people learn by a life-threatening experience, but I don't think you have anything to threaten you Reaper" Ink said making a donut with ink and eating it. I looked in curiousity at his ink, "How'd you do that?" I questioned Ink, "Du whuat?" Ink said with there mouth full. "How'd you make a that weird circle food your eating?" I asked, "You mean a donut? I made it with my ink!" Ink said wiping the crumbs off his mouth.

"Can I do something like that?" I asked, "Probably not, but hey! Maybe you can summon something so cool! Better then paint!!!" Ink said happily with a smile, "I'm going to try my hardest to summon something!" I said with a smile, "That's right! Stay determined!" Ink said with a thumbs up.

"Anyways, I was wondering if I should just make a new, bigger house or if I should just paint over what we already have" Ink said, "You can just make a new how! But please make sure that everyone out the house before you turn everything to-" The house seems to have flatten into a black liquid substance as Blue, Khloe, Fresh, and Outer laid in the black liquid and groaned tiredly

"What were you saying Dream?" Ink asked Dream. I giggled as Dream gave a shocked look. Everyone else stood up and walked up to Ink. "You better pray your ink gets out of my hair!" Khloe said annoyed, "Don't worry! This won't take long! Just help Reaper summon something, so he can get the hang of magic!" Ink said as he walked over to the puddle of ink and took out his paintbrush and started to make the house out of stone.

"A'ight homeslice! So ya wanna make a bone poppin out teh floor do ya?" Fresh said to me I looked in confusion on what he was saying, "He said So you want to make a bone pop up from the ground, don't you?" Blue translate I nodded, "Well my radical brotha! I learned through a not so rad way, my dude! I learned when I was a small dude, ya self! I was being bullied but unrad people too! They be hittin and kicking and doin some unrad stuff to damage my self-esteam, do ya wanna know whut your rad bro Freshyness did?" Fresh asked, "Uhh...what did you do?" I asked

"I possessed them all, and made them kill themselves in the end..." Fresh said as a bit of there glasses fell showing his soul in his eye with powerful magic coming out of him "AND THATS WHUT UR NOT SUPPOSED TA DO! Don't get sum unrad bully to get ya in the feels and be all powerful! Ya gotta be patient and it will ALL flooding in to ya brah!" Fresh said covering his eyes with his glasses again, it made me feel uncomfortable and tense.

"Y-Yeah...what Fresh said, you have to be patient!" Dream said a bit uncomfortable, "Well the way I learned magic was by dedicated and hardwork!" Khloe said smiling, and a bit of help here and there!" Khloe said smiling. I smiled back, " do I dig deep into myself to summon a bone? I tried and I felt nothing!" I said, "Well maybe you summon a bone with a scenario" Dream said, "What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'll try my best to give you an's like... imaginating something, and acting on that imagination! Close your eyes and imagine with me okay?" Dream said as I nodded and closed my eyes.

"Let's pretend, your in a field of flowers of different kinds! There all so soft and peaceful asmthe sun hits them with it's rays of light. You frolicked in the flowers and make flower crowns and have so much fun playing in the sun!" Dream said it made me smile, Imaging this little story.

"After a while of playing it started to rain the cloud over the flower was sad and was crying causing rain to fall try and talk to cloud but they don't wanna talk for they're too sad to talk about anything. So you decided to leave the cloud alone and wait for him to calm down" I felt pity for the cloud, I wonder what was wrong with him.

The rain cloud was done crying and started to get angry! It started a thunderstorm under the cloud as the dark thunder destroy the flowers making a fire start! You rush over to calm the cloud down, but it had a toothy from on there face and started to chase you around in a circle into it caught you in there hands and brought you to there gaze and said, 'You make me mad!' And he ELECTROCUTED YOU!!!" Dream said as he poked me with a stick and scared me.

The other laughed, "It's not funny!" I said pouting, "Your right! It's not funny! I'm sorry Reaper" Dream said as I excepted there apologise, "Anyways, you get what a scenario is right?" Dream asked as I nodded, "Good! So if I give you a life or death scenario, your be able to summon am attack!" Dream said, "That's a good idea!" I said smiling.

"Hey guys!" Ink called out, "The house it ready!" He said as we all stood up and walked over to see our stone house.

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