The Story of a Reaper- How'z Tori doin'?...

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...They missed one the Spring Forest...

"Heheheh...I couldn't have done it...without him...that comedian...after searching for soo long, I had finally found her...found YOU....HAHAHAHAH! She'd HID so well too! It's a pity, really! I had no hope on finding her on my own! Not even the flower could of helped me! And even if I had found her, I wouldn't be able to pass her barrier undetected...BUT NOW?! Hehehe...The barrier allows my presence...easily..and senses me as a...friend...I'm able to trespass into this so-called...sanctuary, because DEATH had come knocking at it's door...and she...had answered it..."

The human/semi-god had been looking for her for a VERY long time...hiding from Reaper, making sure he'd NEVER find she can curse, and KILL Life for the sin the human thinks she has committed...cursing humanity...with the punishment...of LIFE

In a dark, ripped up dress, eyes of black, and teeth sharp to kill you in one bite, she slowed walked over to the goddess of Life finally finish what Reaper had failed to do... 

"He served her to me on a plate, she had naively accepted Reaper as a part of her I AM!"

The human walked over into the sanctuary to see Life herself. Watching her make sunflowers. Life felt a dark presence, and expected Reaper, she quickly turned around, "Reaper! Welcome back!-" Life stopped in mid sentence to see a child, with a weak smile...

"Greetings...mother Life!" the humans said.

"I....I never dared to see you again!" Life was on the verge of tears..."I have believe...they had taken you away beloved child!" Life said, as tears fell down her soft face, with a smile of happiness, running to hug her child


And with a yell of happiness...came a scream of pain...

The child named Chara...had impaled her own mother...



Life was in disbelief..." could you-"

"Obviously I'm not THAT child anymore..." Chara interrupted Life, "And looked SO happy to see me! Like you were reunited with your lose child from above at the surface...when things were you loved and mourn for me!" Chara said

"Did you even bother to ask what DEATH did to my soul?"

"H-He were at peace..." Life said chocking on her words. "PEACE?! WHAT A DIRTY LIAR! I WAS NEVER AT PEACE...I had to hide like a coward...holding on to my broken soul...JUST TO SEE YOU AGAIN...even since I was forsaken from you all...from monster society....for ALL of your 'BELOVED CHILDREN' you gifted them ALL to DEATH!" Chara said

"No! T-That's not-" Chara interrupted Life again

"For the children you claim to love so much, you feed them to the WOLVES!"

"I DIDN'T WANT ANY OF THIS TO HAPPEN...I...I didn't-" and again




Chara smirked, as Life weep and sobbed quietly.

"...Sometimes...I really do feel sorry for Death...all the suffering you put your children through...the you allow them to become corrupted...and when one is broken, all you do is replace them with another's just so easy for you...what a thing a horrible mother would trick little kids into loving you, just so they can put two feet in there grave...but I don't care about that, and what you did...because now...I KNOW the truth...this world doesn't need gods or goddess like YOU...we don't need the cycle, or the balance...your WEAK attempt at order needs to crumble in the a godless world...the world will fall to it's natural state...of CHAOS...and ENTROY...WHERE HUMANS SHALL PREVAIL AND ALL MUTATED CREATURES DIE IN THE DIRT WHERE THEY BELONG!!!!" Chara said, as she held a sythe her size, with eyes of the void, and the voice of a demon...

"and it all starts with you, the goddess of life! Doesn't it always?" Chara added. "I will do the job that useless Reaper...failed to do..." Chara said, as she swung her sythe back, "Any last words?" Chara asked with a sinister grin, "...Love...shall always prevail..." Life said with a smile, tears going down her face, as Chara smiled, "...Azzy did really deserve better..." Chara said, Life gasped, but Chara slice her throat out before she could even say anything. Blood pouring out, as Life gurgled and chocked, as she fell on the floor bleeding...


The balance has been tampered with...the strength in power has changed...and everyone felt it...even Reaper...


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