The Story of a Reaper- I Deserve This

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"Annndd, done!" Fatal_Error smiled, sitting next to Patch. As much pain Patch was in, his body seemed to be complete, somewhat-

There were still some cracks in his body that still needed to be filled. Fatal_Error gave a sentimental smile. Sure it took a while to get all the parts he needs to finally finish, but finally, he has made his brother. Despite the color change, he was still his brother, right?

"T-This is the last time we have to do this...right?" Papyrus asked, "More or less...I won't have to sew pieces to you, I just have to put a few more small bone pieces on you, which shouldn't hurt you," Fatal_Error said.

Fatal_Error stood up and helped Papyrus stand him. Papyrus was wobbly at first but caught his balance.

"Brother, I have a question," Papyrus said. Fatal_Error rose a brow, "How come it's just us?" Papyrus asked, "What do you mean?" Fatal_Error asked, "I's just us, where are the others? Our other friends," Papyrus said.

Fatal_Error was silent at first, but smiled, "Don't worry Paps...I'll get them, I'll get them all, everything will be back to normal in no time!" Fatal_Error laughed and grin.

Patch tilted his head, but smiled, "Great! I can't wait to see our new friends!!" Papyrus chuckled. Fatal_Error sighed with a smile, "Me too too," Fatal_Error grinned.

He plans to make a home...he plans to get all of his friends back. The ones he knows of at least. He was from the Undertale timeline, and making actually monsters instead of skeletons is a bit more complicated.

But with experimentation, he might find a way. "I'll be back Papyrus, try stretching and walking around a bit so your legs can adjust, just in case," Fatal_Error told Patch.

Patch nodded as Fatal_Error opened a portal and left to Undertales' current timeline.

Nightmare and his team went back to there castle to clean up the place a bit. Ink and his friends went back to the palace with Frisk, and Reaper hasn't been around since he's been looking all over for Fatal_Error.

Chara was feeling better, she was all healed thanks to Alter and his gentle care for Chara. Frisk was showing different rooms in the castle, despite there own worry for Reaper. Suddenly Ink ran over to them, "Hey! You two! Let's go!" Ink told them. Frisk and Chara rose a brow but followed Ink who was running to the others.

"Where are we going?!" Frisk exclaimed, "To stop whatever is destroying Undertale!" Ink explained quickly. The others were already rushing into the portal to Undertale.

Ink stopped Frisk and Chara before handing them knifes, "I heard you both are great with these!" Ink smiled. G Sans groaned behind Ink noticing his sadistic joke behind it.

Frisk and Chara took them as Ink pushed them in the portal. The walked in to see Undertale on the surface this time. Error seemed to have been waiting on them.

"Don't you think it's bad for a Frisk to meet another Frisk?" Frisk asked, "Or a Frisk to see me," Chara asked.

Ink just looked at them and shrugged. "Anyway! We have no time to waste! Everyone evacuate everyone! Error and I will find whatever is destroying this place!" Ink said.

Everyone nodded as they departed.

"Hey, squid!" Error said. Ink rose a brow, "Don't be stupid and lose focus, please...I don't want you getting your ass kick since that'll make me have to save you," Error groaned. Ink giggled, "Don't worry! I hopefully won't lose focus! Now let's go!" Ink smiled as Ink lead the way to whatever destruction was happening.

The whole city was crumbling in seconds, red strings painted the streets and building. The screams of panic was music of a new beginning. "Now...where is Toriel?" Fatal_Error thought, "She liked to teach children, so she must be home, or at some school," Fatal_Error thought before a bone was shot at him.

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