The Story of a Reaper- The Meeting

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"Reaper left...that's good, I hope he understand that we're doing this for the sake of the world" Death said to himself and he sighed.

Death was in this empty void that most people can't enter. Only God, semi-gods, and people from above can come into this void-like world.

At the time, Death would be reaping souls, but he was in this void-like world because the other gods wanted to have a meeting.

 Of course, being the early bird he is, got there first, and with his free time, he talk to Reaper, after that. He waited for the other god to get there.

The next god that appeared was Seven deadly sins, but we just call her Sin. "Oh, hey Death, early as ever, how long have you been here?" Sin asked me, "Oh, well, you know time doesn't exist here" I replied, "True, anyways, have the other came yet?" Sin asked me, "No, not yet" I replied, "Okay then, we can wait for most of them to come" Sin said as I followed her.

For some reason, a table was waiting for us to sit at. Of course, not to cause chaos, we all had assigned seats, I was far away from Life, and Life was far away from me.

I sat in my assigned seat, as Sin sat at her assigned seat, "So...any life that were interesting?" Sin asked me, trying to keep the silent out the room, "Nah, not really, it's was mostly murder and old people becoming sick" I replied, "Huh, well any murders that were at least a bit interesting?" Sin asked me, "Yeah...there is these murders where people how kill other people and then kill themselves, there's always that!" I said with too much enthusiasm, "Seems interesting" Sin said.

Suddenly Wisdom, Fate, Destiny, and Karma appeared to join the meeting. "Oh, hey guys! Where are the others?" Sin asked them, "Life is busy with Love, Lady Luck at the casino, and Creation and Destruction are usually fighting each other" Fate replied.

Karma sat next to me, with Fate sitting a seat away from me. Destiny sat far away from Fate, and Wisdom sat next to Sin and Destiny. "Well, we're almost complete, and I doubt Creation and Destruction are coming" Sin said sighing.

"Luck is coming our way" someone said. I jumped at the sudden voice, but realized it was just  Lady Luck. I sighed a breath of relief, "It's just you..." I said to myself, "Luck is coming my way" Lady Luck said with a weird, disturbing smile.

Lady Luck sat next to me, "Well, nice to see you Luck, were are the others?" Sin asked Luck, "Love and Life is too busy helping birth a human, too bad that the child is going to be gay..." Luck said. Karma, Fate and I gave a confused look at Luck, "Creation and Destruction are coming, but they're both pissed at each other" Luck said.

"Well, we'll just have to deal with it" Sin said sighing.

As the other talked I stayed quiet, waiting for this meeting to beginning already, so many soul need to be reaped before it starts piling up, about 9996523131212 souls need to be reaped...

Finally Creation, Destruction, Love and Life came over to join us. "Sorry we're late! I forgot!" Creation said.

They all sat in there seats as the meeting started.

Ignoring what the meeting was about I looked at everyone appearance. Fate and Destiny look a-like. Fate had a boy look, but his body glows too bright so he just looks like a shining light, same with Fate, but she's a girl.

Wise just looks like a great great grandfather, with his old clothing and glasses, his eyes are squinted though. Does he even need glasses if he's squinting?

Lady Luck clothing looked like a diamond shape, with half of her clothing being gold, the other half being black. Her eyes were closed, and her skin was pale, though she had a lot of makeup on. Half of her lips were gold other half was black, it was a pattered...and an eye sore.

I looked at Love, her skin was chocolate, and her clothing was pink and puff, she wore a tutu, with a shirt that was light pink, in the middle was a hot pink heart. Her hair was in two puff balls on her head. She looked like a child, for some reason.

Life took the form of a Toriel, but that's just to tease me about something that happened in the past. Her dress was green and light yellow, and her eyes were red. just like a Toriel.

Creation and Destruction were more likes wisps of color. Creations colors looked like the rainbow, mixing together, while Destruction was had the colors black, white, and grey.

Sin wore clothes that were black. Her hair was made out of snakes, and she had ram horns on her head, she had the teeth of a lion and the tail of a fox, her nails could be sharp as a bear, smelt like a pig, but no one talks about it. Around her neck was a weird necklace, it was sharp, but it looked more like a symbol then anything.

Karma looked like a skeleton, a Sans to be exact. Both of his eyes were glowing blue eyes, and his bones looked dark purple. Even his hands had what looked like his glowing eyes.

"Anyways! Enough with that! Anything to report?" Sin asked us. We all shook our head now, even me. "Okay, now that no one has anything to report...Death you lied" Sin said. "Luck is not on your side Death" Luck told me, "That doesn't help Luck" I mumbled under my breath.

"Woah! Death lied? That's a shame man" Karma said to me, I was embarrassed, "What do you mean? He said he had nothing to report" Life asked Sin, "Well, recently, Death has made a little semi-god" Sin told them. I looked down, not wanting to see there faces, "WHAT! How come! You made another YOU!" Life said with anger, "Life, calm down! He must have a reason!" Love told Life.

Life listened to Love and took a breath, as I looked back up. "I did it because there's too many" I said, "Too many what?-" "LIVES! Too many! I can't keep up! I want a break!" I said angrily, "Technically, this is your break" Wisdom said making it worst for me.

"Your just being too slow is all! Stop complaining, or just stop doing your job if you hate it so much!" Life said, "Life, you know Death can't quit his job, everything would be crowded and you won't have enough space to make more life" Sin told Life.

Life huffed at that fact. "Your making too much life, and your making too many worlds! I don't always have time to get to them if your constantly making them!" I told Creation and Life, "Wha- When was I at fault?!" Creation said, "Almost all the time! Why do you think I destroy them? Gosh you make too many!" Destruction said, "Thank you Destruction" I said. He smirked at the compliment.

"So you made a semi-god to help with all the work? Right?" Sin asked, I nodded, "Well...I'm not obliged to tell you to get rid of him" Sin said, "What! What do you mean?!" Life said frustrated, "He's right, you guys are making too many worlds and too many life for him to handle. It's easy for you, but for him, he has to kill them off, send them to the right place in the afterlife, and make sure they stay there. All you have to do is...well...use your magic, but Death has to make sure of things, you don't" Sin said.

"Ugh! So unfair! He's just too slow! There shouldn't be two Deaths, and if no one is going to fix the balance, then I will!" Life said, as she got up from her chair and left.

Sin sighed, "It'd be best if you made sure if your child is okay from time to time" Sin told me, "I'll make sure of it" I replied, "Well, there is nothing else that anyone would like to report, your all dismissed" Sin said as we all stood up and started to disappear from the void.

I hope Reaper will be alright...and I hope I don't have to save him... 

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