The Story of a Reaper- Say Goodbye

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Error and the others pulled my cage to the living room as I asked them more questions.

"Why is your name Horror?"

"Because I'm HORROR-ble?"

I laughed at the joke while everyone else groaned at the bad pun he said.

"Why do your clothes look so complicated?"

"I...don't know actually, I think it's because it makes us look respectable? Nightmare just wants us to wear these clothes for some reason"

Cross explained.

I kept on asking questions and they answer them all, soon enough I didn't know what other questions to ask.

"You're really curious about everything aren't Cha kid?" Error said, "Heh, it's because I really don't know much, so I can't help but ask" I said with a smile, he smirked at me.

"Well it's only fair that we can ask questions to you" Killer said, "Okay, sure! I don't mind!" I said.

"So, how long have you had your powers?" Killer asked, "Since I was either made or born" I replied, he looked more curious and confused at my answer, "What do you mean made?" He asked, "Well, I kinda been alive for maybe three or two days" I replied.

"Wait- Three or two days?!" Cross said baffled, "Yeah, I don't think I was born, so maybe I was made?" I said, not sure of that answer.

"Do you know who made you?" Killer asked

"No, I'm not sure who made me, but I'm pretty sure they may be my dad" I said shrugging

They looked confused, "How does your power work?" Horror asked

"Whenever I touch something like wood, it will rot and break, for humans I think they just die, same with animals, with monsters they turn to dust, for plants they turn brown or black and turn fragile and can break easily" I said

"Do you have a mother?" Fell asked

"I did, but she died because of me..." I said sadly, "Oh I'm so sorry" Fell said, "It's fine, I only knew her for a night" I said shrugging it off, as they looked even more confused.

They kept asking questions and I answered, we talked and laughed. I felt like I could trust them, time had past quickly in till it hit midnight...

As we all laughed as Nightmare passed by, he saw us talking to Reaper, "What are you doing?" Nightmare said making us all jump, "W-We were j-just talking to R-Reaper, that's all!" Killer said with fear in his voice, "Oh...just talking huh?" Nightmare said, everyone nodded, "Funny...I thought I said AT MIDNIGHT GET RID OF HIM?!! WHY ARE YOU GETTING ATTACHED?!" Nightmare screamed.

Everyone was frozen in fear, "Why are you just sitting there?! Get rid of him!" Nightmare said as everyone scrambled up and opened a portal deep in the forest.

Reaper sighed, "Error...I have a question" Reaper said to me, "What is it?" I asked as we stood in the forest, "Do you care for me?" Reaper asked, I was afraid to say something since Nightmare was behind us, " a way?" I said, Nightmare stared at me as I started to get nervous and glitch a little more.

"In what kind of way?" Reaper asked, "Don't ya think your asking too many questions kid?" I said trying to avoid the question, "Don't avoid the kids question Error, answer him" Nightmare said with a smile...

He's such a sadist....

"I guess I care about you in a 'Your my friend' kind of way" I replied as I unlocked his cage as he crawled out, "Heh,it would of been nice if we got to know each other more" Reaper said, "Sure kid...anyways, we have better things to do" Nightmare said as he opened a portal back to the castle.

The Moon knights left with the cage, leaving Nightmare and Reaper there, alone...

"Remember, If I figure out that your with Dream, I'll kill you before Dream can...and if I find out that your in MY kingdom, creating havoc for my people, I will kill you in front of everyone...Do you understand?" Nightmare said, I nodded, "Yes Nightmare" he cringed at the sound of his name coming out of my mouth.

"Good...see ya never!" Nightmare said walking in the portal as it closed leaving me in the the cold, dark, mysterious, forest, with no where to go...and no one to go to...

I sighed sadly and looked up in the sky to see the full moon out, as I started to walk towards it...

I didn't know where to go, as I randomly wandered around, following the moon...

Was this my story? Wandering around the forest forever? I didn't want that to be the end...

I walked in a clearing as I looked up to see a bunch of clouds start to cover the moon, "Hmpt!" I pouted as I took my wings and flapped them so I could be lifted from the ground, I kept on going up...



And up...

I kept on going up till I went through the clouds to see the moon up close. I smiled at the beautiful sight, I played with all the clouds as I gazed at the moon.

I kept diving in the clouds and coming back up, it was a thrill doing this, why haven't I done this before?

After a while I got tired as I glided myself down to earth into a field of soft buttercups.

I laid down on the flower and got comfortable as I started to drift off till all I could see was black...

It felt like the fact I'm not sure if I was even asleep...where am I?

I walked around in the dark endless room...I saw a figure from a far

He wore a black cloak but I couldn't see there face, I looked at there skeleton hands, Maybe another friend? I thought as I walked up to them.

"Hello!" I said, trying to get there attention, "Oh! Reaper! I didn't expect you to be here!" They said, I started to get a bit uneasy, "H-How do you know my name?" I asked, "Right! I never did tell you who I was," they said, "My name is Death, but you can call me Dad" they said enthusiasticly.

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