The Story of a Reaper- Fucking Bullshit

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From the AU of Underfell, Fell sans was sleeping at his station. Of course, staying up because of his brother constant tantrum and lecture that was an hour but felt like an eternity, he was more tired than his regular, tired, lazy self

Of course, he'd open his eyes once in a while to make sure his brother wasn't coming to lecture him about sleeping, and he'd listen carefully for any sounds of monsters, or humans that might past by, other than Frisk that is.

For all Fell knew, Frisk was either around Waterfall or Hotland, he wouldn't know since Papyrus hasn't gotten any phone calls from them lately. Last he heard they were still in Waterfall, but it could be possible they didn't tell the skeleton bros they were in Hotland

Other than that, Fell was sleeping, of course, till he heard footsteps coming his way as he opened his eyes lazily.

"Sans!!" A familiar voice growled. Of course, it was Edge or Fell Papyrus-

"Are you falling asleep on duty again!?" He yelled. Fell sat up, "Nah boss, just...relaxin' a bit," Fell said, "Hmm? Relaxing? Sans! There is no TIME to relax! Another human might fall down, and I MUST capture it this time!" Edge yelled

"Yeah yeah, I hear the same tangent for years now-" Fell muttered, "What was that Sans?! I swear you should mumble in front of your authority figure if you want them to hear you...or was that a sly insult you didn't want me to hear..." Edge growled

"N-No boss, I-I-I just feel a bit bad...m-my throat is a b-bit d-dry is all," Fell said nervously, sweating a little in fear as Edge glared at him. "Drink more water! I don't need you passing out on me from dehydration! If must, eat some snow, it's still water, whatever form it's in!" Edge told him

He huffed as he rested a hand on his cheekbone, glaring at Edge, a little in annoyance since he interrupted his catnap.

"Anyways, I was just checking if you were slacking off again! It's pitiful I have to check on you Sans, I shouldn't need to do that as I have more important matters than to see if your awake and doing your JOB!" Edge hissed as Fell looked away from him, still pissed

"Now...I must go do my other duty more important than you!" Edge said as he started to walk off.

Fell grumbled curse words under his breath as Edge started to walk off. From behind Edge though, opened a portal. Fell looked in a bit of worry seeing that, knowing that Edge knows nothing of alternate universes.

And he knew Edge would point it all on Fell since most that can travel are Sanses in general-

Oh, the lecture and anger, and the rage and, and-

The skeleton monster was a familiar glitched skeleton. He looked like a Sans alright, one with a glitched red scarf...and a sickly melted socket-

It brought Fell shivers down his spine just glancing at it. Of course, Fell was going to warn Edge, but if he said anything, he'd have to explain...EVERYTHING!

Before Fell could make a decision the skeleton monster teleported over to Edge and grabbed his arm.

"Hm? What the hell Sans-" Edge stopped and looked down at the small skeleton monster that looks of nothing of his brother. He looked back at Fell sentry and saw him sitting there.

Edge yanked his hand away and tripped the monster with a bone, making him fall in the snow.

"Hm, a skeleton that looks exactly like my pathic brother..." Edge rose a brow, pointing a sharp bone in front of the mysterious skeleton.

Fell groaned at Edge indirect- seemed direct

His direct insult to Fell.

Fell stood up and walked over to Edge. "Sans...tell me why this other skeleton looks like you," Edge said. Fell sweated a little and lied, "I-I'm not sure b-bro," Fell said

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