The Story of a Reaper- I love you pup...

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Nightmare stayed by Reaper said, with a sad expression most of the time. When Reaper tried to cheer him up, the feeling of happiness only lasted for a few seconds, Reaper didn't know what made Night sad, he just wanted to make him feel better.

Reaper tried to play tug-o-war like the pups do, but Night wasn't in the mood, Reaper tried to make silly faces, but the happiness only lasted for a few seconds.

Reaper was confused to why Night, his master, his guardian, was sad...

Reaper tried leaving him alone for a while, not doing anything, but it only made it a bit worst...

Reaper desperately wanted to conform his guardian with a hug, or give him a pat on the head, but that would kill him...he didn't want that

Nightmare desperately wanted to slobber Reaper with kisses, and curl up close to him, but he couldn't sadly.

Nightmare was depressed, since he knew he had to get rid of Reaper by the end of day...he wanted the pain to leave...

Time pasted, and soon enough the sunset shown. Geno walked up to Reaper and looked at him, Geno wasn't really interested in Reaper, afraid that Reaper may kill him, but right now, Geno wanted to know some things about Reaper, out of curiosity.

Geno exam Reaper, and Reaper just watched, Geno walked around him and looked in his eyes- he doesn't have eyelights...

Geno didn't know anything about Reaper, just how he looked, at that he belonged to Nightmare.

"What are you doing?..." Nightmare asked Geno in a dead tone, "I'm looking at him" Geno replied, "You okay Nightmare? You seem...down" Geno asked, "...I'n fine..." Nightmare replied to Geno. Geno put his tears down, knowing that Nightmare is sad, and left Reaper and Nightmare alone.

Nightmare wanted to cry again, know that the stars are going to come out soon, that met that he had to leave Reaper.

Well...Nightmare thought, It's best if I just get rid of him now, so he can get lost and never find us...Nightmare though. He stood up and signaled Reaper to follow Nightmare by waging his tail.

Reaper stood up, and followed Nightmare deep in the forest.

They kept walking and walking and walking...

Soon enough, they were below the cliff that Reaper came up from...

But they kept walking, Reaper didn't know where Night was taking him, was it a surprise? Reaper thought, but Nightmare was making sure they were far enough, for Reaper to never find them.

Reaper, didn't know where they were going, meaning he didn't know the way back, he's unfamiliar with the area.

Finally, far away from the pack, Nightmare found a rock that was perfect for Reaper. He walked up to the rock and patted the rock to tell Reaper to stay on the rock. Reaper did as he ordered, and sat on the rock.

Nightmare looked at Reaper and signaled something to Reaper. Nightmare went into a play pose, then he looked at his chest, then he looked at Reaper.

Reaper knew what that meant, Reaper pointed at his socket, then his chest where his soul is located, then pointed at Night

Nightmare smiled, as tears ran down his cheeks, Nightmare then started to walk away, before running away.

Reaper though that he'd be back...but Nightmare wasn't coming to get him... 

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