The Story of a Reaper- Undyne Search is to an End

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Undyne was thoughtful. "How do you know all this?" Undyne asked Papyrus, "Sans told me. He was able to hold the child to learn about her. We put the pieces together, and figured out what she wants" Papyrus replied. "I don't suppose you know her name, do you?" Undyne asked. Papyrus shook his head.

"Well, that's all I need to, I know where that demon might be" Undyne said walking away, waving goodbye to Papyrus. "Thanks Paps, I owe you one as well!" Undyne said before she wasn't visible to Papyrus eye.

Papyrus then left to go find Reaper, and see where he started to find life and help him.

Undyne on the other hand, was going to where all the humans fell...the entrance to the underground

"AHAHAHA!!! His face! PRICELESS! Saying things were 'impossible'! Well not with us RIGHT!" Chara laughed and laughed. Flowey smiled nervously as Chara calmed down. "Anyways~ We now have Reaper scythe, we can find Life now...right?" Chara asked Flowey. Flowey gulped another knot in his throat. "Y-Yeah! Of course! Where ever she is!" Flowey said nervously.

"I don't think so!" Someone said in the shadows. Chara and Flowey jumped at the voice, of confident and power.

Undyne walked out of the shadows, and looked at the demon. "I heard you have Sans scythe, it's rude to hold onto something that isn't yours!" Undyne told Chara with eyes of fire.

"Finders, keepers!" Chara said, smirking at Undyne bravery. "Well, then YOUR GONNA BE A LOSER, And I'm going to watch you weep with pleasure!" Undyne said, as many spears flew up in the air.

"This will be FUN!" Chara said, her smile widening as much as it could. Flowey looked scared, and stayed out the way, but Undyne wouldn't allow that.

"I swear to you...demon, I WILL END YOUR LIFE TO BRING BACK ANOTHER ONE!" Undyne yelled as all her spears flew toward Chara.

Chara laughed echoed, as she dodge and blocked all of them. Flowey ducked his head in the dirt, so he wouldn't get hit.

Now it was Chara turn. Chara summoned four knifes, and held one in her hand. The knifes were black, glowing a dark red.

She pointed at Undyne, as her face seemed to melt, the knifes, at a fast speed, started to charge to Undyne.

Undyne held a spear, and kept swinging at the knifes, as they bounced of her spear and charged again at her.

The knifes distracting her, Chara walked slowly to Undyne, as Undyne kept hitting the knifes, as the knifes bounced faster towards her.

Once Chara was there, she giggled, and snarled as she stopped the knifes from bouncing, and lifted her knife in her hand, and slashed at Undyne.

Undyne quickly dodged her, noticing her. A red slash flew, hitting a big wall of rocks, as a big chuck of it all fell.

Undyne was breathing heavily, as Chara didn't seem bothered, and looked as if she could fight forever.

Undyne wanted to get close, to tire Chara out. Undyne clutched her spear as it broke, and a new, sturdier one appeared. Undyne charged at Chara with a battle cry, as Chara laughed echoed through the underground.

Undyne swung left and right quickly, but not quick enough for Chara to keep up. She decided to suprise attack Chara and grab her dirty, black clothes from the chest, and throw her on the ground.

Chara was slowly getting up, but Undyne wouldn't allow that, she summoned may spears up in the air. Too many for Flowey to count.

And directed all the spears at Chara. Quickly the spears fell, impaling Chara multiple times. Chara was stuck on the ground, the spears piecing through her and the ground.

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