The Story of a Reaper- What REALLY happened to The Grim Reaper

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Nightmare and his team were underground in Reapertale, Reaper's home. Everything was empty, and the snow in snowdin was mostly melted. The ground was wet and it felt like a dark cave there. There was barely any light, it was dim.

"So this is where Reaper grew up..huh..." Nightmare said, looking around. It wasn't too different from any Snowdin, but all Snowdins have different feelings and small changes to it. The feeling in the air felt deathly, quiet, and just...dead.

The group walked over to Reaper's house and opened the door. Even the inside of Reaper house was...cold-

Nightmare turned on the lights as the others looked around. It was empty, no couch, TV, nothing. Again, they had moved to the surface, so it's not a surprise. "Welp! Guess we'll just chill here till we can get back then-" Horror said, he sat down where the couch would be with Lust by his side.

"Can you let me go now?" Lust asked Horror, "Right!" Horror said, taking a key out of his pocket and letting Lust's wrist go, as Lust rubbed them.

"Maybe we should explore, maybe find something of Reaper!" Killer suggested, "Mmhh, Nah, you guys go ahead if you want, I'm fitted to taking a nap," Horror yawned before laying down, "I'll stay with Horror," Lust told them, "Alright! Your lost!" Killer said.

The rest left the house as Lust and Horror took a nap at Reaper house. They all walked to Waterfall. Waterfall wasn't too different either, except for the fact that there wasn't too much water in the rivers. There was barely any water flow.

Finally, they got to the echo flowers in Waterfall and listened to the conversations they gave off.

They were...weird






The last part sounded like Reaper, to be honest. They kept walking and got past the screaming.

There walked to a waterfall that barely streamed water, it had a few old conversations.

"Hey Paps!" a young girl said


"When I grow up, I'm gonna be captain of the royal guard! And your gonna join with me, and you'll be the SECOND captain of the royal guard!" the girl said, which sounded like Undyne

The young boy, who sounded like Papyrus gasped, "REALLY?!"

"Really! It's gonna be so awesome! We're gonna train! And fight! All a whole bunch of stuff! My dad Gerson said, I'm gonna be the Goddess of War! What did your dad tell you!" Young Undyne said

"He said that I'm gonna be the God of a Peaceful Death, whatever that means!"

"Uh-...You don't need to worry about it just yet, just know your gonna be SUPERRRR POWERFUL!" Undyne said. She sounded a bit worried but played it off

"COOL! I wonder if my lazy brother is gonna be like that too!"

"Guysss!!" Another voice yelled

"Speaking of him!" Undyne said

The sounds of them getting up was heard before the echo flowers started the whole process again.

"Wow...did we just find a very old conversation?" Killer said with a brow raised and a smirk, "That's could someone so threaten and sadistic have such a nice childhood?..." Nightmare questioned, "It should have gotten worst as they grew, they were just kids after all," Cross reasoned.

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