The Story of a Reaper- The Dead Leaf on a Blooming Lilly

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It didn't take long till we had a break through. When my father, brother, or other friends nag on me about reaping, I'd usually go to the only person who doesn't nag me around.

I sort of like her.

I remember her as a child, as Life, the person who wants to kill me, destroy me, or whatever you wanna call it. But now...she a friend of mine.

It sounds weird how a reaper, like me, could be friends with Life. If Death saw this, he'd probably be dying on the floor, I wouldn't blame him though.

Life taught me more of her perspective. She saw light in everything, even for me -surprising...

Life seemed to not mind me being her shadow. Watching over her shoulder, hovering over her as she used her magic.

But one day, while I was lazing around in my dead pile of grass under a tree, Life called me over.

"Hey Reaper, I have something to give you!" Life said with a giggle. I raised a brow, curious to what Life could possibly give me.

I stood up and walked over next to her. Life then pointed to a bunch of flowers. "Look! These are white lilies. Humans and monsters like to bring these to funeral to honor there beloved one!" Life told me.

Life picked one of the flowers, and gestured I take it. "Since, they're used for funeral, I'd thought it'd be suitable for you!" Life said with a bright smile.

I blushed a little at the nice thought. I'm not used to those types of things.

"Aww, thanks Life-"
" me Tori!" Life said, with a soft smile.

I smiled back, "Thanks Tori" I said as I held the flower by the stem.

The flower then started to crumble and turn black quickly. Life looked at it surprisingly. "Oh no! I'm sorry! I forgot!" Life said, feeling bad that she gave me a plant with a life.

"It's alright! Maybe it's happy to go back to its roots" I said shrugging it off. The black dust then hit the grass floor.

Life then seemed thoughtful, I was curious, a little trait I seem to have. "What cha thinking about Tori?" I asked, "Oh- nothing important at the moment!" Life said.

At the moment?

"Now! I must go run some errands! Please stay here, I'll be right back!" Life said as she rushed out her sanctuary.

I shrugged, and laid back down in my comfy spot under a tree in the shade, and closed my eyes, and soon, fell asleep.

It didn't feel long till Life came back, but then again, I only heard her enter, I didn't look. I could hear her hum a soft, beautiful tone.

I heard the trinkle of her magic, the soft glistening playing along with her soft humming

hum hum humhumhum hum hum hum humhumhum hum hum humhumhum hum hum

I smiled a little at the sound of her beautiful music. I decided to peak at what she was doing, as I opened one eye.

I saw her smiling. Her green dress, with a sash of yellow, makes her look so beautiful. Finally she stopped humming, and her magic seemed to have subsided as she stopped.

"Reaper!~" Life sang a bit, "Mmmm, yes?" I replied, as I sat up, and opened my eyes fully. Life froliced near me, and sat on her knees. Life kept her hands behind her back.

"Reaper, I have something for you!" Life said as she moved her hands in my view, it looked like a white lily. "I made it with my fire, and earth magic. A stain glass flower!" Life told me.

I stayed quiet, not knowing what to say...

"I created something that can not wilt...just for you!" Life told me with a soft, gentle smile.

"...heh," I couldn't help but blush, just a little, "Your really glassy Tori" I replied, as Life chuckled, with a visible blush of kindness.

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