The Story of a Reaper- Don't touch the ones you Love

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Reaper was happy sleeping near his mother, it gave him a feeling of safety. He was woken by a ray of sunlight from the sky as he rubbed his eyes and looked at the deer. It seemed they were asleep, even though they truly were dead...but Reaper didn't know that.

Reaper wanted to wake up his mother so he poked the deer in the stomach...No response

He then shook the deer for a while...No response

He then poked the deers face...No response

He then screamed in the deers ear...No response

...He cried for help...

But nobody came...

He then remembered that he killed the plants from before and reliaze from the moment he pet his mother...he killed the deer....

"NO!" Reaper screamed. He didn't want to believe she was dead...Maybe she'll wake up if I give her something to eat Reaper thought. He then stood up and tried to look for something editable. He thought leaves were good, but they would only died a few seconds after he touch them. He looked up and saw a tree with apples on it. Reaper was too small to get the weird fruit, and he didn't know how to fly yet.

He even attempted to fly, but his wings were too small for him to get an inch off the forest floor. He sighed, maybe he could kill the tree and push the tree down to get the weird fruit. He touched the tree and pushed it down with all his might as it fell with a big thid with leaves moving around in random directions till they settled down. Reaper ran over to where the apples were and picked one, but the apple started to rot once he touched it. He dropped the weird fruit once it turned rotten, it fell with a splat as most of the apple content was flat on the ground. Reaper looked at the fruit weirdly and tried to look for something else.

He found a bush with bunches of berries on it. They were red-pinkish, he didn't want the weird fruit to die so he picked it from the brance it was attached to as the stick died and felt hard and breakable. The berries were still intact though and he felt proud that he didn't kill them. He then turned to walk back to his mother till he heard growling and struggle. He ran over to see if his mother was awake and alright but...he was too late...

Three wolfs have eaten his mother, her throat was ripped apart, and her stomach was eaten out of. He looked in fear and looked at the wolfs who were growling at me. It made him feel angry, sad, and fear when he saw thenm. What are those creatures? What are theses feelings I'm feeling? All these questions in his head, but he didn't want to figure them out now.

My mother was truly dead...I didn't know what to do so I ran. I ran away as fast as I could before they could hurt me. I didn't stop running till I found a stream with fish swimming through it. I felt tired and needed air. I touched the water and it felt cool so I dipped my head in the water which felt so much better. I had water in my mouth and I didn't know what to do, so I pushed it down my throat. I felt the water go down into my body, it felt cool and weird at the same time.

I felt refreshed and looked at the fishes in the stream. After a while of staring I saw something else and put my focus on that, it looked like someone was looking at me through the water, I waved at them and they waved back at the same time, I smiled and they smiled. We kept on staring at each other till I wanted to touch them, I reached out for them and they reached out for me we kept on reaching out till I felt there cold, wet hand. Why does there hand feel cold and wet? I questioned.

I was bored of the person and stood up, but then they copied me. I didn't mind, I just want to see if I can find another mother...maybe even a family.

I walked through the stream and walked towards the other side of the stream and kept walking through the forest.

I didn't know how long I walked till I found a clearing. There was bunches of building and figures moving around. They seem nice...nicer then the creatures who killed my mother I thought in my head. I looked in the sky and it looked as if the sun was going down. The sky had a golden and orange hue in the background behind the falling sun.

Reaper was curious to the figures far away so he started to walk towards them, hopefully he'll find his new home, and a new mother to take care of him.

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