The Story of a Reaper- A Test Dummy

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In the doodlesphere, where the guardian of AU- Ink watch over every AU there is but, a disturbance in his gut hurts him.

"...M-...Mafia?" Ink said, grabbing onto his stomach. The pain was quick, but if felt as if Ink was being chocked by someone. His neck felt weird, and not in a good way.

Ink rushed to Mafiatale and looked around the AU. It was dark, and it wasn't easy to see anything. Once Ink was about to give up in looking, he saw at the bank, a gleam of light on the street.

Blood, reflecting off the street light. Ink looked in worry. Who could of done this. Ink walked closer to the crime scene. It looked as if these people were police officers, and tried to stop the person who was in the bank, probably a robber.

Ink kept looking around a saw a hat in a pile of dust. He could tell it was Mafia hat since he liked it so much, and he doesn't know anyone else who'd wear a hat like that.

Well, It looked at if Mafia was killed last. Ink wondered where the robbers went...but something in him tells him that it wasn't just average robbers. Sans wouldn't let himself die to robbers.

Ink looked at the human bodies, which was tore, and ripped apart. I looked as if someone ripped them up with there hands, or a hatchet.

Ink looked around more, and noticed a bone close by.

It was a skeleton who did it, and not a good one that that, the aura of the bone was familiar, but it was from someone evil.

Ink shortened it down to someone who's not from Mafiatale, an out-code he's met before. The first people he could think of is Killer, Horror, and Dust, but it could be someone else.

Ink looked at the front of the bank, and noticed blood from inside. He walked in, the glass under his shoes broke into more pieces.

Ink bent down to the blood, and touched it. Ink tasted the blood, as weird and gross as it is, and declared the blood recent.

Ink also noticed a feather in the blood. So someone with wings did this...Bird wouldn't do this so who could of-...

The thought of Reaper popped in mind.

Ink looked more closely at the feather, it was the color of pitch black. Blood was covering it.

Ink concluded that Nightmare was here with his teammates, robbed the bank, and killed Mafia in the process.

"...I gotta tell the others!" Ink said, before jumping in the blood, which teleported him to the castle. Blue, and Dream were sitting in the living room, watching a movie together, before Ink interrupted.

"GUYS! This is important!" Ink said. Dream paused the movie, as Blue and Dream looked at Ink.

Ink showed them the black feather that belonged to Reaper. "Nightmare and the others went to Mafiatale, stole money, and killed Mafia!" Ink told him.

Blue and Dream looked in sadness, "Mafia! Not him!" Blue said, covering him mouth, tears forming in his eyes.

Dream hugged Blue, "It's okay, don't cry Blueberry!" Dream said. Blue hugged Dream back.

Ink joined in the hug, "Don't worry, we'll make this right, his death won't be in vain!" Dream said, Blue nodded, "Promise?" Blue asked, "Promise!" Ink told Blue, booping him on the nose.

Blue giggled and wiped his tears away.

"We need to tell the others" Dream said, "Of course, I think it's best if we don't have a meeting about this though, I'll just text them about this, see what they think we should do!" Ink said.

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