The Story of a Reaper - Family

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The rise of the morning, Reaper had taken Geno to the AU of Birdtale. He wondered how Frisk was doing all this time since the last he's seen them as a child. Reaper, of course, flew the way there with Geno clinging to them for dear life. The day was sunny, it felt as if it was spring.

Once in front of the house, he knocked on the door. It was a few seconds and the sound of footsteps till Bird was at the door. "OH! Reaper!" Bird smiled. "Heya- We wanted to visit!" Reaper smiled. Geno waved with a smile.

"Of course, you're always welcomed here!" Bird moved out the way to let the two inside. The inside was warm and smelled of pie. Geno gazed around the big house. "Toriel and the others aren't here at the moment, they went shopping" Bird explained

"I see-" Reaper responded, "Tch- do they even remember me?" Reaper rose a brow. Bird chuckled, "Course they do, they wondered where you went probably thought you died. I'm sure they'd be ecstatic to see you again," Bird said.

"Heh- guess I'm still family despite everything." Reaper thought out loud. "Course you'd be dummy," Bird commented with a chuckle. Geno smiled, "Relax, look around..I'll be in that office room!" Bird said, going upstairs into the office.

Reaper and Geno walked over to the couch and relaxed. Reaper stretched his wings, arms, and legs before slouching.

"'d you meet Bird?" Geno asked. 

"I was out on another spree. It wasn't people though, only trees I think? It was very snowy at the time, I was out in the forest and Bird just so happened to be there at the time. He took me in back to his house. I read a lot with Tori, and learned math here," Reaper told him

"Oh! How cute!" Geno smiled. Reaper nodded, "Although, I did kill a lot of the plants they had in here...and destroyed a whole bunch of wooden stuff," Reaper said a bit uneasy trying to remember.

"...I killed Alphys here-" He commented.

That brought Geno aback. "Wha- do they know?" he asked. Reaper shook his head, "For all I know she's either dead to them, lost, or...whatever. I never told them. I went out in the cold to kill some trees, since I was a child I suppose she got worried for me and tried to take me back inside. It was a snowstorm and she was freezing, so she died from the cold, I had to end her suffering life..." Reaper explained.

Geno gave a sympathetic look, "I'm so sorry you had to do that.." Geno said. "Tch- circle of life. I'm fine though, I just feel guilty is all" Reaper said.

It was then the front door open. "We're home!~" A voice sang. Reaper turned to the door to see Toriel, Papyrus, Frisk, and Undyne at the door with food. "Heya-" he commented. They all looked at him and gasped.

"Reaper!!" Toriel smiled, dropping her things for Papyrus to catch before they fell to the ground. Reaper was startled and stood up and away from the couch before Toriel could hug him. "Ehehe- you're as motherly as ever from what I remember," Reaper chuckled

"Look at you! You're so big! You were so small from what I remember! Where were you? What happened?!" Toriel spouted.

Geno chuckled watching this.

Geno envied it a little. Having a family like this...Perhaps with-

"Eheh! It's a long story" Reaper smiled. The others put the groceries in the kitchen. "I came to visit since I'm back on my feet," Reaper chuckled. "I'm so glad you did! You took so long though!" Toriel playfully pouted. Reaper laughed a little, "My bad!" He rubbed the back of his neck with a grin.

"Well, at least you're here now, that's all that matters!" Toriel smirked, "So tell me, how have you been?" Toriel asked.

"Well- I've been doing rather well! I've been revisiting people and places. I met a wonderful person as well," Reaper looked down at Geno.

Geno got startled by the sudden eye contact. "Oh!- Hi!" Geno smiled nervously and waved. "That's Geno! He's my partner," Reaper blushed a little, admitting it to Toriel. "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Geno," Toriel smiled.

Geno nodded, "Likewise Ms. Toriel"

Frisk and the others came back. Frisk was also taller now, though still looked the same as before. Everyone still seemed to look the same.

"I'll go make us some hot chocolate!" Toriel offered before rushing to the kitchen. "So, squirts finally a big boy now huh-" Frisk smirked. "You've gotten bigger yourself!" Reaper smirked. "Yeah! Although I'm taller!....Right?" Frisk asked.

Reaper stood up from the couch. Frisk's mouth dropped, looking up at Reaper who was a few inches taller. "No fair! How are you taller?!" Frisk pouted and stopped their foot down.

Reaper chuckled, "Who knows-" He shrugged.

 The rest of the day was catching up with each other. Telling tales of the adventures they've had, people they've met, and explained as much as Reaper was willing to say. Evening fell and soon the two had to leave back for home.

They said their goodbyes and went on their merry way.

Reaper was flying them off to the teleporting destination.

"...Reaper" Geno called. Reaper hummed in attention. "You have wonderful families," Geno smiled. Reaper smiled a little as well. "Thanks," Reaper chuckled. "Heh-... I was wondering." Geno started.

Reaper felt he knew where this was going and looked down at Geno. He then started to head down to the surface of the ground. The moonlight showed on the world. The light spilling from the trees onto them.

"Geno..." Reaper said. Geno bit his tongue, looking down, blushing a bright red. "I envy it all...I wish I had a family again," Geno said. "...Reaper" Geno looked up at Reaper, taking Reaper's hands into his as he stayed close to Reaper's form.

"I-... If you want- if we can...can we..." Geno didn't have the words to say it. "...After all this time being together, with the challenges, and the experience being together...I think I fell for you before I even realized or believed myself. It's felt as if I've always been with you from the start," Geno shared his feelings

Reaper's eyes widened, his cheek flushed in blue as he watched Geno's eyes glisten in the moonlight. 

"Watching you bond with everyone as a friend, good or bad, watching you reconnect with those in your life, seeing your family all over's...I want to be like that...with you," Geno said, looking down.


"Reaper...can a family?" Geno asked softly.

Reaper stared for a while, admiring him.

He could see it now. A ring on Geno's finger. Little children scampering around him, playing with him and Geno. He could see himself getting closer to the one he loves dearly.

His soul tugged to Geno's. Not being he needed to kill Geno, it was because his soul yearned for Geno's love.

Reaper placed a hand on Geno's cheek. "...Geno" Reaper then got on one knee. "I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I've always wanted that with you. This is sudden, but I feel it is appropriate. Geno, you've made me the happiest skeleton ever, I would do anything for you...Geno, will you marry me and have a family with me?... Together?" he asked

Geno was shocked at this for a second but then smiled with tears in his sockets, tackling Reaper into a hug. "Of course my love! I would love to!" Geno was ecstatic, crying tears of joy as Reaper hugged Geno tightly as if someone was trying to take him away again.

"I promise to keep you happy Geno," Reaper said, looking at Geno before the two enclosed the space between each other.

In happiness.

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