The Story of a Reaper- A Fireplace in the Winter

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Reaper sat there of course, waiting for Night return, but it taking awhile...even though Nightmare wasn't ever coming back.

Reaper sat there, and waited...and waited...and waited...of course, he got tired and he fell asleep.

He dreamed about himself being a wolf himself, in his dream, he'd snuggle with Night, and was able to talk to him. They'ed talk about fish, and tug-a-war, and how much fun it was. He'd also play with the pups there, he yearned to play, touch, and talk to them all.

He really enjoyed his dream, and he wished it was real, but that ended once he woke up, the sun hitting his eyes.

He was still sitting on the rock, still waiting for Nights return. He waited and waited, hoping that Night would return.

The thought that Night had forgot about Reaper scared him a bit...maybe he needed a reminder.

Reaper remembered that when a pack member was lost, the pack would howl, so the lost pack member can find there way home, maybe he can call for Night.

Reaper howled for Night, hoping that Night will hear his call, "AAAAAWWWWOOOOOO!! AAAAWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOO!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOO!" Reaper howled, and sat there and waited some more.

He waited and waited and waited and-

The sound of rustling came from the bushes, could it be?!

Is it Night coming out to bring Reaper back to the pack?!

Reaper saw a figure coming from the trees, he turned and looked...

It was the lady...called Life

"Is there a wolf in distress-" Life looked at Reaper, and Reaper felt fear boil up him.

Life looked at Reaper angrily, "You...finally came out to show yourself! What for? To face me? Or to mock me! Well...whatever the reason, I'll make sure you don't escape again" Life said as she summoned fire balls in her hands.

Out of instinct, Reaper had to break the rule of staying put, and started to run away. Life started to chase Reaper, trying to hit him with fire balls.

Reaper kept evading her attacks, as Reaper also tried to stop her by putting bones in her way, trying to make her trip and fall so he can run away, but Life was smarter and was able to dodge his attacks.

Sadly Reaper couldn't use a gaster blaster yet, he wasn't taught how to yet, but Reaper kept using different patterns of bones, trying to get farther away from Life.

Reaper kept running and running and running, till he tripped on a rock and fell "Ow!" Reaper said, he tried to get up and run again, but Life grabbed Reaper dirty clothes. "I told you! You will not escape, now die you mistake!" Life said as she was about to kill me.

I closed my eyes, hoping that someone, or something would save me. "HEY!" someone familiar yelled, cold hands grabbed me and yanked me from Life grasp. I opened my eye and look up to see Death.

From under him, I could see a bit of his face, he looked pale, and had blue ocean eyes, with black eyes, but it was hard to see.

"Death! Give him back! I need to end his existence!" Life said, "Leave my child alone!" Death said, his anger growing more and more as the life around us died.

Life gave me a glare, "You'll regret making him, I'll make sure you pay, and that your mistake is not apart of my life!" Life said, as green magic surrounded her, as she disappeared.

Death knelt down, and held my cheek, his cold hand touching my warm innocent face, "Are you okay?" Death asked me, I nodded, "Good, you've done an excellent job keeping the population of prey at an exceptional rate, I now need you to go somewhere else then here" Death told me, "B-But, Night and-" "No buts need to leave this place..." Death told me.

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