The Story of a Reaper- The Demons Explanation

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Frisk showed Chara all the drawings they made, and their secret book as well. I'm still not too sure what's it's about, but it seemed interesting, but Chara and Frisk did look over to Geno and I when they finished talking about the book. It made me nervous in a way.

Geno was watching them, but never did get close, but I could only assume it was because Geno didn't know how to start a conversation with Chara. "Hey, Frisk! Come over here for a sec!" I asked. Frisk, looked over and nodded before standing up and walked over.

"What's up?" Frisk asked. I placed a hand on there back and started to walk a bit farther away from Geno, "W-What are you doing?" Frisk asked me, "Making Geno talk to Chara," I said, "Are you crazy?!" Frisk exclaimed, "It takes time for Geno to get comfortable, let the two talk," I told Frisk

They huffed but watched from afar. "Anywayssss, what's the book your making about?" I asked, "You don't need to know! Its a secret!" Frisk told me with a grin, I chuckled, "Oh come on! Spare me a teaser!" I shrugged with a grin

" a way, it's a biography," Frisk told me, "A....what?" I asked Frisk looked at me confused, "Your 20 or something...and you don't know what a biography is?!?" Frisk exclaimed, "Hey, I'm close to being around the age of 30- despite not really having an age, but you know what I mean!" I told Frisk, "Still doesn't excuse you to why you don't know what a biography is!" Frisk laughed

Reaper and Frisk kept talking about grammar and ELA stuff as Geno kept looking at Chara, and Chara kept looking at Geno. "U-Um...sorry about...Frisk killing your brother to...s-see me..." Chara spoke out to Geno.

Geno huffed and looked away, but then looked back at Chara. "How'd you get here?" Geno growled, "I-...someone named Gaster helped me, he said if I saw a sad skeleton I was supposed to tell him that my soul is his and that your not suppose to kill me..." Chara said

Geno rose a brow, "Oh...Gaster- the annoying bastard..." Geno sighed, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Geno glared, "Well when you're trying to kill me, it's pretty hard to tell you!" Chara told Geno, "Alright, you have a point there," Geno admitted, "...Who's Gaster to you?" Chara asked, "He's... In a way, he's my dad-" Geno shrugged, "In other ways, he's a friend that kept me from going inside, but I knew it was going to be a matter of time before he left me...but I didn't expect him to give me someone like you..." Geno said

"What do you mean?" Chara asked Geno groaned, "You were with him, you should know!" Geno said, "I didn't really understand him when he sort of talked in...a font!" Chara said, "Oh's hard for humans to remembered that language," Geno cringed

"That's a language?! Sounded like weird mumbling!" Chara exclaimed. Geno teleported close to Chara as Chara leaned back, "Tell me, what happened with you and Gaster?" Geno asked, "He came over and asked for Frisk multiple souls, I showed him and he gave me his soul...which was empty for some reason. He put Frisk souls in his own soul and gave it to me..." Chara explained, "I never really understood what he said some of the words he said was in English, but most of the time, to me it was just gibberish," Chara said.

Geno placed a hand on Chara chest, "W-What are you?-" Chara started before Geno summoned Chara's soul. It was a dark red, a mixture of Determination and Hate which made it a dark red, but the soul was upsidedown, which was different. "...You have Gaster soul," Geno said. Chara looked up in confusion

"Your damn lucky for my dad to give you such a thing, just for you to live...for whatever reason-" Geno huffed at Chara. It made Chara nervous.

"How'd you get stuck in a loop anyway?" Geno said, placing Chara's soul back into there chest. "I'm not sure...personally, I blame Asriel-"

"How did the two of you die?" Geno asked

"Golly, you're giving me too many question," Chara said. Geno leaned away from Chara a bit, "Well when you suddenly die and come back to life, you're expected to be asked a bunch of questions... I should know, now answer them! How'd you get in a loop? How'd you and Asriel died? How do you know you and Frisk are related? Where and how did you get so many souls from Frisk? And why were you two so keen on killing instead of looking for a solution?" Geno rushed

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