The Story of a Reaper- About You

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As Reaper walked in the save screen, Geno turned around and saw Reaper. He smiled, "So I see your back!" Geno said. "Yup! Couldn't's like about 11:30 or something..." Reaper said, walking over to Geno.

Geno had his hands in his pockets, his eyes was glowing for some reason. "Say, your eye is..." Reaper pointed out. "Oh! I'm sorry!" Geno said before he stopped glowing his eye. "Why were you glowing your eye anyways?" Reaper asked.

"Because of me!" some one peeped. Reaper turned his head and saw a kid who was a bit glitched like Geno. They had brown hair, and didn't open there eyes, at least that what it looked like. They wore a blue sweater with purple strips on it. It was clearly a Frisk, but they was in a bone cage.

"Why that kid in a cage?" Reaper asked. "This is a part of the demon I was talking about...other that Chara..." Geno said, a serious look on his face. So cool....

"Tch, it's just a kid, what damage could they do?" Reaper said, crossing his arms with a smirk. "A human can do a lot a damage, that is if your not a god...Reaper" Geno said, giving a dumb look.

I felt a bit stupid.

"I guess your right, but you said that no one can die here, so why keep them in a cage? Your just wasting your magic and energy" Reaper stated.

Now Geno felt a bit stupid.

"Well- I-I...they killed everyone!-"

"I mean, when we met you stopped attacking me because there was no point right?" Reaper asked. Geno blushed at his stupidity.

"Oh shut up!" Geno huffed, crossing his arms. Reaper chuckled. "I do have a point though...right?" Reaper asked.

Geno stood in quiet, clearly frustrated. "If you were going to be super annoying I wouldn't have invited you to come here anytime!" Geno argued.

"Hehe, well you did, even though you were gonna have company sooner or later" Reaper said with a smirk, chuckling more.

Geno sighed and soon let the kid in the boned cage go. "Thank you!" Frisk said.

"No problem kid!" Reaper told him, winking at them. Frisk got up and hid behind Reaper. "What's your name?" Frisk asked from behind me, "My name is Reaper kiddo" Reaper said.

Geno huffed at how Reaper was treating Frisk. Reaper noticed this. "Aww, is some jealous?" Reaper said, teasing Geno, "NO!" Geno yelled, crossing his arm, his cheeks started to flush.

"Reaper, where do you come from?" Frisk asked, "From a different universe" Reaper replied.

Soon Frisk got intrested in what he meant. Reaper explained it all to the both of them. They were so intrested, and asked a bunch of questions to him. How others worlds look like, what kind of new things are there from a similar AU.

Then they started asking Reaper about himself. "How's your family and friends like?" Geno asked. "Well....I don't really see my family, so I don't know, but I bet they're super nice. As for friends....they're...outgoing, and fun" Reaper said, sugarcoating his friends.

"Do you enjoy your job? As a reaper?" Geno asked, "Uh....not really....there are some perks, but it's mostly cons..." Reaper said, "Oh....Where do you live?" Geno asked, "Right now I live with my friends in a mansion. I used to live in a big house though" Reaper replied.

Geno was impressed a little. Frisk got excited for there turn to ask questions. "What hobbies do you like doing?" Frisk asked. "Sightseeing" Reaper replied, "What kind of people do you wanna meet?" Frisk asked, "People I can relate to" Reaper replied. Everything seems to be normal.

"Do you like anyone?~ What's your type? Do you like Geno???" Frisk asked. My face slowly turned to concern as Geno argued with Frisk at the personal questions. "-You just can't ask someone who they like!!! And you can't ask if they like ME!" Geno yelled.

"No it's fine!" I stated, "I don't mind the questions...some what" Reaper said. Geno calmed down while Frisk smiled, clapping quietly.

"So who you liiiikkkkeee???" Frisk said with a wide smile, rasing there eyebrows suggestively. I looked to the side, a bit uncomfortable, "I don't like like anyone, I like a lot of people as friends though" Reaper said.

Frisk groaned in disappointment, "Well I was hoping you say Geno, but that ain't happening anytime soon" Frisk said.

Geno chocked on the air, looking at Frisk with an angry, crunched up look. "Why would we like each other!! We're just learning about each other, he doesn't know my type!" Geno growled.

"Speaking of types...what's your type Reaper?" Frisk asked, "Cute and fluffy types" Reaper replied. "For some reaper, your a softy" Geno said, crossing his arms.

"I have a thing for deers, don't judge me" Reaper said. Frisk clapped and gasped in awe, stars in there eyes. "Deers are soo cute! I met a deer monster once! He had a bunch of Christmas stuff on him, he was so generous to me after all of that!" Frisk told me.

Geno looked to the side uncomfortably, "What kind of people do you want to meet?" Frisk asked, "Meh, as long as there not assholes I'm fine with meeting them" Reaper said shrugging.

"What hobbies do you have?" Frisk asked, "Ehhh...well, my job his killing...I guess cooking, or baking. My bro really likes cooking from what I remember" Reaper said.

"Why don't you see your family as much?" Geno asked me, looking in interested with a mix of concern. "We...sorta got into a fight" Reaper said, looking down sadly.

Frisk looked a-back. "Uhm....Say Reaper how many kids do you wanna have?" Frisk asked. Geno jumped at the question, "What are you doing?! Planning on fucking him?!?!" Geno exclaimed, "Nope! More like wondering if I'm gonna be a godparents for your children!" Frisk said with a smile.

I blushed at the thought of it...

Geno looked up at me, and my blank, blushing face and yelled at me. "STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!" Geno yelled, snapping me back to reality.

Frisk giggled as Geno kept yelling at them. Reaper smiled, a genuine smile. He was gonna get used to them soon enough, they already feel like family to him.

Reaper then decides, for Geno, Frisk, and for his own sake, he'd stop his tendency to rip them to shreds over and over again...he'd stop his sadistic ways in front of them, and he'd get better with there help.

Soon the got tired and Reaper left back to the mansion, tired out from all his fun. By the time he got back it was 4:34 in the morning.

He'll have a hard time getting up.

Reaper plopped in his bed, and fell fast asleep, contented with the new relationship he has with Geno and Frisk.

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