Christmas Day

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Christmas Day - 7:35 am
Nikki rolls over and is met by some resistance to how far she can normally roll before she reaches Jack, she stretches out as she starts to wake up. Nikki then begins to open her eyes she groans slightly as she rolls onto her side, as her eyesight focuses she is met by the sight of Poppy's feet. Nikki sits up slightly so she is resting on her side and elbow and looks at Poppy who is asleep upside down between herself and Jack.
"Oh Poppy" Nikki smiles resting her hand on her daughter's legs, Poppy had clearly joined them in bed during the night. Nikki then looks down at herself and comes to the relief that she still had pyjamas on and is fully clothed.

She continues to sit there and admire her daughter snoring ever so lightly with her thumb in her mouth and clutching her small rabbit teddy bear as tightly as her tiny hands could. Nikki then moves her gaze across to Jack who is looking at her still lying down, "Morning" Jack smiles tiredly.
"Morning" Nikki smiles as she leans across her daughter's legs and kisses Jack.
Jack sits himself up and rests his back against the headboard, "Did we gain a little intruder during the night?" Jack smirks looking at Poppy asleep upside down with wild blonde bed hair, Nikki laughs and nods.

"I'm looking forward to seeing her face when she sees her presents" Nikki smiles.
"She was so excited last night, she literally passed out with exhaustion around nine just before you got in" Jack explains.

Nikki smiles and continues to watch Poppy sleep. "Today is going to be a nice and peaceful day, hopefully, Poppy tires herself out just after lunch" Nikki replies as she takes hold of Jack's hand and strokes it carefully.

Around ten minutes later Nikki has dressed and so has Jack and they both have just played a game of rock, paper, scissors to who is going to wake Poppy up, "Best of three?" Nikki asks as she has lost the game.
"Nope, come on Nik's time to get Poppy up" Jack laughs as he heads off to the bathroom leaving Nikki to wake up Poppy.

Nikki frowns and then walks over to the bed and sits down looking at Poppy, "Come on baby girl, time to get up" Nikki says as she gently wakes Poppy up.
Poppy wakes up and starts to cry, Nikki sighs and lifts her up off the bed and cuddles her closely, "Mummy!" Poppy cries as she clings to Nikki's side.

"Shh, it's okay, baby," Nikki says as she gently bounces her two-year-old on her hip. "Oh, Poppy," Nikki speaks trying to sooth Poppy.

Soon Poppy stops crying and clings to Nikki like a limpet. Nikki heads out to the hallway and meets Jack who has just come out the bathroom, "Come on Nikki, I've told you no heavy lifting!" Jack says taking Poppy off her quickly.

"Jack come on, She's hardly heavy" Nikki protests
"Well I don't want you hurting the baby" Jack replies as he rests his free hand on her stomach. Nikki rolls her eyes and heads down the stairs and into the lounge and opens the blinds before Jack comes in with Poppy.

"Look, Poppy," Jack smiles placing Poppy on the floor and holding her hand as he walks her in, "Has Santa been?" Jack asks.

"Santa?" Poppy questions innocently as she looks around the room before noticing a pile of presents in the corner of the room.
Poppy runs over to the pile of presents and stops just before she falls into them and turns around looking at both her parents.

Nikki sits on the sofa and cuddles up to Jack who is sat beside her, "Go on Darling, they're for you" Nikki smiles happily, Poppy's grin grows bigger and she climbs into the pile and picks up one of the presents.
Poppy sits herself down on the floor and carefully tares the paper open. "Mummy, look, Doctor!" Poppy smiles cheerfully as she opens up a small toy doctor set, Poppy giggles and sits looking at it before standing up and passing it to Jack. "Open it, Daddy!" Poppy grins.

"Why don't we open it later Pop's and you open more presents" Jack smiles while watching Poppy who then turns around and heads straight back to the pile of presents.

"Who was that off?" Nikki asks Jack who is now cupping a mug of tea in her hands.
"Clarissa and Max" Jack smiles as he recalls the wrapping paper from when Clarissa gave him the presents a few days ago.

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