Cause for Concern

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The following Day - Nikki has kept the news of her pregnancy a secret from Jack just for now while she can get her head around what is happening. Nikki has just dropped Poppy off at nursery and has driven home as it's been raining, Nikki gets into the house and places Maddison down on the floor in the lounge and shuts the baby gate which she has put up between the lounge and the hallway as Maddison has become more confident crawling recently and is attempting to climb as she crawls. 

Nikki sits herself down with her laptop and stares into space as she thinks about how she will tell Jack that she's pregnant again and how she will have to explain that she's not sure yet if she wants to keep the baby. Three children would be a lot for Nikki especially considering she never even wanted children, she knew Jack would make her keep it but only if she was sure about keeping it, there was suddenly an overwhelming desire to call Jack up and tell him this instant as she kept it from him last night, although she now plans to tell him this evening and make her feelings known. 

She sighs and looks down at Maddison crawls to her feet and makes an attempt at shouting 'Mama' at her, Nikki smirks and looks down, "Hey sweetie," She smiles as she moves her laptop to the coffee table and picks up her ten-month-old daughter and rests her on her lap. "How would you like to have another sibling?" Nikki speaks and Maddison just babbles at her innocently. "Exactly, I don't know myself" Nikki sighs as she stands up with Maddison and kisses her head. 

Later on, Nikki has just gotten Maddison down for her nap and has decided to make a start on cleaning the kitchen, it was one of the many things on her to-do list as she is due back at work for half a way to start her back to work routine. 

Nikki's phone begins to ring although she doesn't hear it as her phone is in the lounge and Nikki is in the kitchen with the radio on slightly louder than normal, but not too loud that she will be able to hear Maddison in case she cries. 

Another three times her phone rings but she doesn't hear it until she goes through to check on Maddison who is still asleep in her soft doughnut on the floor. Nikki picks up her phone and notices 'three miss calls from Clarissa' and three unopened texts from Thomas. Nikki rings Clarissa back as she sits down on the sofa, "Nikki... glad you called!" Clarissa speaks in a rushed tone. 

"Clarissa, what's going on?" Nikki asks as she removes the dummy that is hanging out of Maddison's mouth. 
"Would you be able to come in? not to work... Thomas and I... we're worried about Jack" Clarissa explains.

Nikki looks down at Maddison and realizes she has not childcare today, "Sure... erm, I will have Maddison with me though" Nikki speaks.

"Yes that's fine," Clarissa responds.
"Okay, I will be right there" Nikki replies as she ends the call and rushes around the house closing windows, locking the back door and unplugging any electricals. 

Nikki gently gathers Maddison off the floor and grabs what she needs before leaving the house and placing her in the car seat before heading off to the Lyell. On arrival she grabs her handbag, Maddison's changing bag and then lifts a half-asleep Maddison out the car and walks into the Lyell, She scans her ID badge and heads straight up. 

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