Better than Money & Gold

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Jack enters the hospital ward with Poppy holding his hand and Maddison in her car seat on his other arm. He looks over at Nikki who is laying with her back to the door so can't see him. "Shall we go see Mummy then?" Jack asks Poppy and she nods and they head over towards Nikki who is asleep on the bed.

Jack places a finger on his lip indicating Poppy to stay quiet, he then places Maddison's car seat on the chair and places the dummy back in Maddison's mouth. He then leans on the bed and gently shakes Nikki, "Nikki, Nik... It's Jack" He smiles as he then strokes her hair from her face.

Nikki stirs and rolls onto her back "Hey what are you doing here?" Nikki questions tiredly.
"Brought your clothes for you... oh and I have two people to see you" Jack smiles and kisses her forehead.

"It better not be the police, I don't think I can talk to them anymore, they came earlier too" She explains as she slowly sits herself up and Jack places another pillow behind her back.

Jack chuckles and strokes her cheek "No, better than anything like that" He smiles and then steps out of the way and Nikki looks down to see Poppy standing behind Jack. Nikki just stares at Poppy unable to get her words out and choking up on tears, "Hey Pops, I think Mummy would like a cuddle" Jack smiles looking down at his three-year-old.

Poppy nods and giggles before looking down at her hands "Be gentle" She whispers before putting her arms up to Jack so he can lift her onto the bed.

He places Poppy down beside Nikki and Poppy instantly crawls across the bed and into Nikki's embrace, Jack moves the car seat off the chair and places Maddison in her car seat down on the floor as he sits down in the chair. "I've missed you so much" Nikki smiles as she places many kisses on Poppy's head as her tears slip freely down her face.

"I've missed you, Mummy!" Poppy mumbles into Nikki's chest as she continues to hug her Mum. Jack sits there and smiles happily as Nikki makes eye contact with him and she mouths 'thank you'.

Nikki sits there with Poppy cuddled into her side as Nikki continues to talk to Jack until Nikki changes the subject and looks down at Maddison, "Can I have Maddison please" She smiles and Jack nods before attempting to move Poppy who whines at him. "Leave her she is doing no harm, I'd love a cuddle with both my girls" Nikki adds happily.
Jack nods and then unclips Maddison from her car seat and lifts her out, as he lifts her Maddison kicks up a fuss and starts to whimper, He walks around the bed so he is on her left side and gently rests Maddison down on her chest.

Instantly Maddison goes quiet and settles, "Definitely knows who her Mummy is" Jack speaks softly and places a kiss on her head.
"Thank you so much Jack" She smiles as she looks at Maddison and then down at Poppy who is starting to doze softly against her.
"Hey, Pops... don't fall asleep sweetheart" Jack speaks as he comes back around to the chair.
"Oh Jack, let her be for a while, she's so content" Nikki smiles as she watches both her daughter's falling asleep on her chest.

Jack gets his phone out and takes a photo of Nikki with Poppy and Maddison and then sends the photo to his Dad, Clarissa, and Thomas with the attached comment 'Take the girls to see their Mum in hospital, they both end up asleep on her'
"Has she had her dinner?" Nikki asks looking down at Poppy who has cuddled more into Nikki.
"Yes... I... took her to McDonald's don't kill me, I know the food is bad but her teacher said she's had a good day and earned four points towards the end of week treat" He explains happily.

"Jack what have I told you about treating her like that" Nikki sighs as she moves her left hand onto Maddison's back and gently strokes it.
"Nik, come on. Poor mite almost lost you this week, she deserves something to know she is loved still" Jack speaks and Nikki backs down instantly.

She sits in silence for a moment before looking up at Jack again, "Did you mean what you said?... that you want to marry me?" She asks.
Jack nods and smiles as he places his hand on her knee, "Of course I will, I can't wait for you to be Mrs. Nicola Hogdson" He smiles and then gently squeezes her knee and watches her admire her daughters.

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