Christmas Eve - Part 2

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Two hours later Jack returns downstairs after attempting to put Poppy down to sleep for the evening, He heads straight into the kitchen and grabs a bottle of beer from the refrigerator and walks back into the lounge where Nikki is sat in her pyjamas and dressing gown and a glass of wine in her hand.

He sits beside her and Nikki instantly puts her legs over his lap, "She's asleep then?" Nikki smiles.
"No, I left her to do as she pleases... only joking out like a light... after three stories" Jack replies.

Nikki laughs and looks at him as she brings her other leg from underneath her and puts it on his lap. "How was Maddie?" Jack asks as he looks over at the six-month-old baby fast asleep on the sensory mat.
"Out like a light after that bottle," She replies.
"Where are you putting her tonight?" Jack asks as she strokes her leg gently.
"In her room, she needs to get used to her cot now" Nikki smiles happily as she looks at Jack while sipping her wine.

Jack nods and looks at the TV which is on low sound, Nikki soon stands up and heads into the kitchen and pours herself another glass of wine and coming back into the Lounge and sits beside Jack and cuddles into him.

He places his arm around her waist and rests it on her hip, "Mmm" He smiles as he squeezes her hip slightly.
"What are you thinking about?" Nikki smirks as she looks up at her lover.

Jack smirks and looks down at her before squeezing her hip, "Nothing... when you gonna lose these love handles..." He questions as he holds a bit of fat on her hip. Nikki sits up and looks at him in shock, she smacks his chest and continues to look at him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you," She asks feeling rather offended.
"Hey, I like them... something for me to hold onto" He smirks hoping Nikki catches his drift.
"You're such a fucking arse, it didn't sound like that!" She frowns.

She just looks at him and then moves away from Jack giving him the cold shoulder, "What... I'm sorry, even though you're taking this far too out of hand, Are you on your period?" Jack speaks.

Nikki glares at him before turning away and huffing, "Digging yourself a bigger hole" She replies.
"Come on Nikki, I'm not going to fall out with you now, not hours before Christmas day!" He sighs as he puts his bottle of beer down and leans over to her and places his hand on her thigh, although Nikki isn't looking and as he touches her thigh she turns to bat him away but smacks his face by accident.

She looks at him and bites her lip as she watches Jack move away and hold his red cheek, "Oh fuck, Jack I'm so sorry" She replies with a slight smirk on her face.

Jack looks at her and shakes his head, "Now we're even... remind me never to buy you a ring with a diamond in" He speaks as he holds his cheek.

Nikki looks down at her hand and realizes her engagement ring has caught his face as she went to bat his hand away. "Sorry" She replies as she places her glass of wine down on the coffee table and turns to look at him.

"Now we're even, okay?" He speaks as he moves his hand from her cheek.
"Want me to kiss it better?" Nikki asks curiously and Jack pulls a sad face and sighs. Nikki then laughs and crawls across the sofa and kisses his cheek, "Better?" She smirks and Jack shakes his head but as she goes to kiss his cheek again Jack turns his head and captures her lips with him.

He runs his hand up her back and kisses her passionately before pulling away "Much better" He smirks. He runs his hand over her cheek and smiles a little bit more before Nikki sits back on her legs and looks at him. "What?" He smiles.

"You called me fat?" She speaks raising an eyebrow.
"No, but there is nothing wrong with a little bit of meat on you since you've been with me you've gained just that little bit more that I like. I love you just the way you are" He smiles as he looks at her and smiles.

Nikki rolls her eyes and chuckles before getting off the sofa and walking over to Maddison and scooping her up, "You need to tidy up while I put her in her cot and then we shall sort out their presents" Nikki smiles as she cradles Maddison against her chest and heads upstairs and places her down in the cot.

On coming back downstairs Jack has tidied up and done what needs to be done for Poppy to feel the magic in the morning, "What took you?" Jack asks.
"Maddie stirred and then I went and checked on Poppy and put her nightlight back on" She explains as she then helps Jack put out the girls' Christmas presents out.

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