Belfast International Airport

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A week later. Jack, Nikki, and Poppy have all just arrived at Belfast International Airport after a four-hour journey from London Heathrow.
As soon as they get off the plane they all head to airport security where their passports are checked and stamped before they're allowed to go to the baggage reclaim area within the airport. "Poppy you need to walk now darling, mummy can't pull the suitcases on her own" Jack says as he places his daughter on the floor and straightens her dress out.

"No! I'm tired!" Poppy whines as she stamps her feet and looks up at her parents.
"Poppy come on... as soon as we get in the taxi you can sleep," Nikki says trying to reason with her child.

"Carry me!" She whines as she starts to cry and rubs her eyes.
Nikki looks at Jack and sighs. "I told you she should have slept that flight," she says.

"Hey, don't get blaming me for your daughter not sleeping... four hours Nikki, it's not as if she's gone 36hours without sleep" Jack speaks.

"I'm not snapping at you... I just really think she should have slept instead of playing on your iPad" Nikki huffs as she pulls the handle upon a suitcase.

Jack rolls his eyes and takes Poppy's hand before grabbing the other suitcase and walking out the airport towards the taxi rank.
As soon as they're outside Nikki waits with Poppy while Jack goes into the taxi offices and orders a taxi.
"Hiya... we need a taxi to Ballyclare, 126 Ballycorr Road," Jack says leaning against the tall desk.

"Okay, let me just put a call out to the drivers, it'll be £45.00, and the taxi will arrive here in eleven minutes.... taxi number plate ending in PL8" the receptionist smiles. Jack holds his debit card up and the woman passes the card machine to him.

Jack pays for the taxi and gets his receipt before heading back out to Nikki who is sat on a bench rubbing her bump in constant circles as Poppy snoozes on her knee. "You okay?" Jack asks noticing Nikki looking distant and slightly pale.

"Yeah, I'm fine" she mumbles.
Jack stands in front of her and watches her for a moment. "Do you need a drink?" He asks. Nikki doesn't have tome to reply when Jack walks off to the small shop next to the taxi rank and comes back minutes later with two bottles of lemonade and some food.

Jack sits back beside her and hands her a bottle of lemonade and a sandwich, "you need to eat... look after him" Jack smiles and places his hand on her bump.

"Thanks... oh, yeah... he is a she..." she smirks as she opens up her sandwich and eats it.
"I'll prove you wrong soon enough Nik" Jack smirks as he opens up his sandwich and begins to eat it. 

It's not long before the taxi arrives and the driver gets out and helps Jack place the cases in the back of the taxi. Jack then comes and scoops Poppy up off Nikki's lap and places her in the middle seat of the taxi, he secures her in and gets in beside her. Nikki then gets in the other side and moves Poppy so she is resting against her bump and not flopping forwards in a deep sleep. 

"Where are we even stopping Jack?" Nikki asks as she watches the driver type the address into his satnav. 
"With my Aunt Josephine," Jack explains with a smile. 
"Is your Dad coming?" Nikki asks trying to make conversation. 

Jack looks up from his phone and across at Nikki, "Yes he is... but he is staying in a hotel" Jack replies. 
"And why couldn't we stop in a hotel?" She asks. 
"My Aunt just offered... I couldn't say no" Jack replies. Nikki rolls her eyes and looks out the window and watches the world go by as they travel to Ballyclare. 

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