Gaining a Few Pounds

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"Come on Nikki, hurry up," Jack says as he walks up the stairs to find out where Nikki is as Clarissa and Max have just arrived to look after Poppy for the evening

"Fuck Sake!" Nikki shouts with a huff from the bedroom, Jack pushes the bedroom door open to see what is wrong with Nikki. He is met by the sight of Nikki lying on the bed attempting to button up her black jeans.

Jack smiles and watches her for a bit longer, "Having fun?" He chuckles.
"For Fuck sake... no! they won't button up" Nikki groans.
"Come here, let me help you" Jack replies as Nikki wriggling around on the bed is starting to annoy him. Nikki stands up and huffs as Jack walks over to her and gets her to hold her top up so he can see the buttons on her jeans. "Breathe in" Jack smiles pulling the buttons closer together.

"I am!" Nikki replies in a high tone.
Jack laughs and tries to pull the buttons together again, "Okay, pull your jeans up more" Jack instructs as he gets closer. Nikki pulls her jeans higher up and Jack manages to put the two buttons in place and secure them.

"Fuck sake... how am I meant to breathe!" Nikki whines as she messes with the jeans.
"Put something different on then."
"I already have Jack!" Nikki moans as she tries to find a comfortable position for her jeans to sit at.

Nikki soon gives up and takes them off and continues to look through her wardrobe again, "Nothing fits!" Nikki huffs after trying another set of jeans on.

"Wear a dress then!" Jack replies as he sits on the bed looking down at his phone.
"Are you calling me Fat Jack?" Nikki says with her hands on her hips.

Jack looks up from his phone completely shocked by this allegation, "Wait, I said nothing of the sort... maybe you have gained a few pounds... I'm not complaining" Jack replies.

"See you're calling me fat!" Nikki huffs the emotion breaking in her voice again.
"Nikki I am not calling you fat... look maybe you need to start wearing maternity trousers? looking at you, side on there is a definite change like your stomach seems to sit more out... maybe the baby is pushing out already?" Jack suggests.

Nikki huffs at Jack's poor attempt at making her feel better, "Jack I hardly showed with Poppy until I was twenty weeks" Nikki replies.
"Every pregnancy is different Niks, Anyway you're almost 16 weeks now," Jack replies remember something the midwife had told them a couple of weeks ago.
"I'm going to be huge!" Nikki says dramatically which causes Jack to roll his eyes at his over hormonal girlfriend.

Soon, Nikki has changed into a dress and they both head out in a taxi towards primrose hill area, "Jack where are we going? this better not be us looking at a past crime scene again... look what happened to us last time... shot at and we both ended up falling out a window into a skip luckily" Nikki replies.

"Promise you it's nothing that bad, Just here will do mate" Jack smiles and then tells the taxi driver to pull over.

Jack and Nikki get out the Taxi and Jack pays the taxi driver, "Okay... the park..." Nikki says not impressed one bit by this date night.
"Trust me on this one Nikki!" Jack replies as they entre the park, still with daylight on their side they sit down on a bench and fall into silence.
"I give it to you it is peaceful out here" Nikki replies.

Jack chuckles and pulls Nikki into his side, "It feels mad to think we're having a baby this year" Jack smiles as his eyes flick down to her stomach.

"I still try to get over I have Poppy too" Nikki smiles as she cuddles against him.
Soon Jack gets up and stands Nikki up, "Come on lets go get some Pizza from that pizza van by the entrance" Jack smiles and Nikki walks with him to the van, they order two small pizzas for them and a couple of cans of fizzy pop before going to find a nice spot out on the grass which overlooks the City of London.

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