Wrapping Paper

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Nikki and Jack, head downstairs with both daughters, he looks down at Poppy who dances on the spot with excitement as he opens the lounge door, he turns to see Poppy now hiding behind Nikki's legs worried that something was going to jump out at them, "Has he been?" Poppy whispers as she peers from behind Nikki's legs making both adults chuckle.

Jack pretends to peer over the sofa to see if he has and then he turns to look at Poppy, "Why don't you go see for yourself" He speaks and Poppy nervously comes from behind her mother's legs and walks into the lounge and around the sofa and instantly her face lights up.

Poppy gasps and looks at her parents in complete shock, Nikki passes Maddison and heads into the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. Poppy stand looking at Jack who is now sat down on the sofa with Maddison in his lap. "Can I open them?" Poppy asks.

"Wait until Mummy is back, she will want to see you open them darling" Jack speaks and Poppy sighs.

Poppy slips into the kitchen and watches her Mum,"Hurry up!" Poppy speaks with a dramatic sigh.

"Okay, okay!" Nikki smiles as she finishes off Maddison's bottle and then picks up her cup of tea and follows her daughter back through to the lounge.

Nikki smiles as she hands the bottle to Jack, and places her cup of tea down on the coffee table before sitting close to Jack and bringing her legs close up to herself.

Poppy looks at her parents "can I open them now!" She sighs and Nikki nods with a smile.

Jack glances at Nikki while Maddison lies in his right arm with her bottle happily drinking her milk. "At least she's old enough to appreciate this now" Jack says as they both admire Poppy as she gently opens the presents.

"I know" Nikki smiles happily as she grabs her phone and takes some photos of Poppy opening her presents, she then turns to Jack with Maddison and laughs "Maddie looks milk drink" Nikki chuckles as Maddison dozes with her bottle still in her mouth. She lifts up her phone and snaps a quick photo of Jack and Maddison.

"Mummy!" Poppy grins happily as she opens her presents and pulls out a Moana fancy dress.
Nikki smiles and nudges Jack who also smiles too.
"Mummy and Daddy asked Santa to get that for you darling," Nikki smiles as Poppy stands and tries it on for size over her pyjamas before sitting back down and opening more presents.

Poppy finally gets to the bottom of her small pile of presents from her parents and grins happily as she attempts to open a box with her new Moana doll in. "Want some help there kiddo" Jack smiles and places Maddison down on the floor with her new teething ring.

she hands the toy to her Dad and smiles happily as he unboxes the toy for her. "Daddy will you play with me?" Poppy asks as she attempts to climb onto his lap.

Jack stops her from getting on his lap as he's opening the box. "I would but I've got to help Mummy cook" Jack replies.

Poppy sighs and sits in front of him, "but you don't cook! You stand there kissing Mummy!" Poppy replies and Jack looks at her in shock completely forgetting how advance Poppy's speech is.

"No I don't!" Jack laughs slightly.
"Yes you do" a voice comes from behind him and he turns to see Nikki stood leans against the door frame with a kitchen towel over her shoulder, and her arms crossed.

Jack smiles and laughs at Nikki before shaking his head, he turns back to the matter in hand and removes the doll from the packaging before handing it to Poppy, he then stands up and grabs the rubbish and walks through to the kitchen follow by Nikki.

"She's a smart kid, nothing gets past her" Nikki smiles as she steals a kiss from Jack as he heads to the back door.

He opens the door and steps out to put the rubbish in the bin, "I know, she's three for god sake, what did you do during your pregnancy to make her this smart?" Jack smirks as he comes back into the house.

"I don't know... it must be what happens when you have scientists for parents" Nikki smiles and kisses him again before pulling away and starts to prepare the vegetables. "What time is your Dad coming?" Nikki asks.

"He said half eleven... Clarissa and Max are coming at twelve" Jack responds as he begins to help Nikki prepare the Christmas dinner.

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