Put Your Head on my Shoulder

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Greetings friends. I've put a song in here, play it when you get to the asterisks if you want to.

     I was walking down the street, nearing the lot. I was going to sleep there tonight because my parents were arguing, again. I sighed, tired of pretending that I was ok.
     As I neared the lot, I could hear a car behind me. I quickly looked over my shoulder, and gasped loudly. A mustang with at least three people was right behind me, going slow to match my pace.
     "Shit," I muttered quietly. Whatever was going on was not going to end well.
     I heard the car door slam shut, and then footsteps. Shakily I turned around to face five socs.
     "A-anything I can h-help you boys with?" I whispered, feeling my face go pale.
     "Actually, yes," one said, grinning. "We uh, need you to be our punching bag."
     "No," I said instantly. I'm not sure why I said that, it was going to happen anyway.
     One of the socs laughed. "You hear this kid? Saying "no" like it's going to change anything." The other laughed along while I stood there shaking.
     "Please, just leave me alone-"
     "Pwease just weave me awone," a dark haired boy with rings on his fingers mimicked in a baby voice.
     I took off running, but quickly got tackled to the ground by three people. Before I knew it, they were dragging me into the lot, a knife pressed against my throat.
     "One sound greaser, and your ass is done, got it?"
     I nodded, trying not to whimper as a fist slammed into my cheek. I could feel the blood from the cuts the rings left.
     After an hour or so of kicking, punching, and teasing me, they finally left, leaving my lying on the grass for dead.
     Soon I heard voices, but I was to weak to call out. I could see three figures, one holding something in his hands.
     "-Johnny forgot his jacket."
     It was Steve's voice. He looked over in my direction, and I let out a low whimper. The three of them took off towards me, Sodapop reaching me first and kneeling down beside me, then Steve a few moments later. Ponyboy stayed back a little, Two-Bit and Darry showing up quickly.
"Hey Johnnycake," I heard someone whisper.
"Soda?" I breathed. "Where's Dally?"
"Shh," he whispered. "Don't talk, everything's ok now."
"There were so many of them," I whispered. "Five... I was so scared..." I tried to swear, then broke down. I tried in vain to get myself in check, but when I realized I could not, I sobbed even harder.
"It's ok, it's ok," Soda whispered, running his fingers through my hair.
I heard the pound of footsteps and looked up. Dally had arrived. I wiped my eyes, but it did not help. He could tell I was still crying.
He knelt down beside me. "You ok kid?"
I shrugged my shoulders, and he held out his arms. Sodapop handed me over to him, and I instantly felt warmer. "What happened?" He asked me quietly.
I shook my head burying my face in his neck, tiredness taking over.
"Do you want to come home with me tonight? My dad is outta town," Dallas said.
I nodded. "Yes please."
Dally addressed the group now. "I'll take him back to my place and get him cleaned up. We'll see y'all tomorrow."
He stood up abruptly, cradling me in his arms. I could feel my face heat up, and was thankful for the darkness.
When we arrived home, he took me straight into the bathroom and set me on the edge of the tub.
"Wait here, I'll be right back," he told me.
I sat fidgeting with the hem of my white T-shirt until Dally returned with gauze, bandages, and a bottle of alcohol, vodka.
He handed me the bottle first. "You might want a swig of this before we get started kid," he said.
I nodded and shakily unscrewed the cap, pressing the bottle to my lips. I winced at the taste; I didn't drink much, I saw what it did to people.
Dally stepped out into the hallway, turning the radio on, soothing music soon played.
      Dally gently lifted my shirt over my head, and gasped quietly at the bruises covering my body.
     "They don't hurt that bad," I slurrily assured him, although they did quite terribly.     
The vodka was quickly setting in, and now I desperately wished I didn't drink it. I always acted stupid when I was drunk.
     Before I knew it, Dally had me all cleaned and bandaged up.
     I giggled. "Thanks Dally," I slurred, blushing lightly.
     He grinned, grabbing my wrists and helping me up. I stumbled to my feet, nearly losing my balance, so I wrapped my arms around him neck.
     "This is my favorite song," I told him gleefully.
     He smirked down at me. "Oh yeah? What's it called?"
     "Put Your Head on My Shoulder, by  Paul Anka," I told him. I hummed quietly to the music, still holding Dally. "Dance with me?"
     "Johnny you're drunk," he tried to argue, but rested his hands on my waist, swaying us gently from side to side.
     "Put your head on my shoulder," I breathed, holding Dally tighter. "Won't you kiss me once, baby?"
I felt Dally stiffen and I giggled. "Sorry," I whispered, looking up at him, grinning.
"No you aren't," he said, smirking.
Why did he have to look so hot when he did that? "You're right." I shrugged.
"Ok the songs over, aren't you ready for bed?" He looked down at me, and I looked up at him.
I bit my lip. "Will you stay with me?" I asked, looking up at him through my eyelashes.
A light blush spread over his face, and he took his hands off my waist. "Uh, yeah sure, if-if that's what you want me to do..."
I pushed up on my toes then, pressing my lips against his. I'm not even sure what led me to do that, but he pulled away quickly.
"No." He stated firmly, then looked at my heartbroken face. "I-I mean, come on, you're drunk Johnny... it's not you're fault please don't cry baby-"
I sniffed and shook my head. "No, no. It is my fault. I made a move on a straight guy, that's on me. Sorry..."
"Come on kid, let's get some sleep. We'll talk more in the mornin, alright?"
I couldn't do anything but nod, and follow him out of the bathroom into his room. He gave me a grey T-shirt and black sweats to sleep in, then left to go change. By the time he came back in the room, I was in bed and facing the wall so I didn't have to look at him.
"Good night kid," Dally murmured, crawling into bed beside me.
I didn't answer, I just snuggled deeper into the pillows.

I woke up late, the sun already up, I turned over and noticed Dally wasn't beside me. I wasn't sure if I was upset or not by that. Laying on the foot of the bed was a clean white T-shirt and a pair of jeans from Dally.
I changed quickly, then headed into the kitchen where Dally was cooking eggs.
"Oh hey Johnnycake! I didn't expect you up so early."
I giggled at how surprised he sounded. "Why silly? It's 9 o'clock."
"I-I dunno, you were pretty drunk last night..."
Shit. "Oh yeah, sorry about that," I said, managing to laugh it off.
"You know the only reason I didn't kiss back was because I didn't want to take advantage of you when you were drunk right?" He asked quietly.
My heart fluttered in my chest. "Really?" I whispered, trying not to grin.
He nodded, then turned around to me. In three strides he was in front of me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me hard. My hands automatically went to his white blond hair, twisting my fingers in it.
"The eggs," I mumbled.
"What?" He asked.
     "The eggs are burning."
     He spun around and gasped. "Oh no! I made them just for you!"
     I giggled. "I love you Dally."
     He turned around and grinned down at me. "I love you too."

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