Bottoms Up

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Sort of Jally, sort of not. 🤷🏻‍♀️

     I glanced up at Dally, downing his fifth beer in two hours. He was gonna be a joy tonight.
     "Hey, what time do you think we're gonna leave?" I asked quietly, so he, hopefully, wouldn't get mad.
     "Does it matter?" He shot back.
     "No," I mumbled quickly. "I guess not."
     He glanced down at me, then ordered another beer.
     "I-I need some air..." I stammered. "I'll be back."
     I stepped out onto the porch, but kept walking. I hated when he drank. He reminded me of my parents when he did it, but I didn't have the heart to tell him. So usually I would just sneak off.
     I walked down the street, with no where in mind. Soon enough I ended up at the lot.
     I sat down in the grass, looking up at the stars.
Ponyboy would like this, I thought to myself. I had half a mind to go get him, but I was too lazy. Oh well, he can watch the stars anytime he wants-
     I shot up, heart pounding. I squinted. "Steve?"
     "Hey kid, whatcha doin out here?"
     I bit my lip. "Dal's drinkin again," I grunted. He knew how I felt about drinking. His dad did the same thing, so he was the only other person I could go to about stuff like this, minus Dally of course.
     "Ah I got ya. You wanna stay at my house tonight? I don't mind," he said.
     I grinned. "Yes please, and thank you." I hopped up, following Steve home.
     "Anytime kiddo." We both laughed at that. "Do you care to sleep on the couch? If you do you can have my bed."
     "No no, the couch is fine, Steve. I mean it's nice enough letting me stay over," I declare.
     "It's really no problem. Come on," he ushered me into his house. "Here," he pointed at the couch. "Lemme go get you some pillows and a blanket."
     I sat on the couch, it was a lot more comfortable than it looked, thankfully. Finally Steve came back.
     "Here ya go," he said, handing me the blankets and pillows.
     "Thanks Steve," I said once again.
     He smiled at me. "Good night Johnny sleep good kid."
     "You too."
    I snuggled into the couch, falling asleep quickly, only to wake up a few hours later to somebody pounding on the door.
     I groaned quietly. It was like four in the morning. I didn't move from my warm and comfy spot on the couch, hopping whoever it was would leave.
     Eventually the knocking subsided, and I fell back asleep.
     I woke up again at seven, due to the sunlight streaming through the window. I got up, stretching. Steve woke up a few minutes later, sitting on the other side of the couch.
     "How'd you sleep?" He asked.
     "Good. Except someone was knocking on your door at like four this morning," I told him.
     "Oh, there was somebody? I thought I dreamt that."
     We both burst out laughing.
     "Steve you kill me man," I chuckled.
     "We should go to the DQ and get breakfast!" He suddenly exclaimed.
     "Yes!" I said, grinning.
I don't think DQ's are open for breakfast but let's pretend like they are.

    We were on our way back from the DQ when I was unexpectedly tackled to the ground.
     "Yo!" Steve yelled as me and my attacker went flying into somebody's yard.
     "Oh god Johnny I couldn't find you anywhere!" The voice said.
     "Dallas?!" I cried as soon as I got my breath back.
     "Who else?"
     "What are you doing here?" I asked.
     "When you left last night, you never came back, and I flipped out. So I went everywhere looking for you. Even Steve's house." He looked back at Steve accusingly.
     He shrugged. "Sorry," he said, even though he clearly wasn't.
     Dally roller his eyes and looked back at me. "Why did you leave?" He asked harshly.
     I bit my lip.
     "Just tell him Johnny!" Steve called from the sideline.
     I shot him a glare.
     "Tell me what?" Dally almost growled.
     I took a breath. No getting out of it now.
     "Uhh... well when you- when you drink Dal, sometimes you kinda act like my erm parents. And it's just hard for me to relax when you're like that... I just didn't wanna make you mad, so I-I left..."
     "Johnny, why wouldn't you tell me?" He asked, sounding sad now. "You know I'd never purposely make you uncomfortable."
     I nodded. "I know. I'm sorry."
     "Don't be sorry, just tell me next time, ok?" He gave me a quick peck on my lips, then stood up, helping me up.
     I kissed him again, a bit more passionately, and Steve wolf whistled at us.
     I flipped him off, kissing Dally harder.

     Did ya miss me? I'm back a day early. School sucks man. I'm the only girl in my second period, chemistry and math are so hard, I have to take the ACT and stupid end of the year testing. Like I'm straight up not having a good time. Oh well thanks for listening love y'all.

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