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Hey this contains rape. So ⚠️tw⚠️ But it's not gonna be graphic bc I don't feel like writing that.

It was well past midnight, and I took off running down the dark street. My father had beaten me, far worse than he ever had, and I couldn't seem to be able to cope. Tears rushed down my face, mixing with the blood from my busted lips and cuts on my cheek.
     Suddenly I realized where I was. I wasn't in greaser territory anymore, I was in the soc's neighborhood. My heart started thumping, as I looked around, trying to figure out how to get home.
     I froze when I hear a car behind me, slowly turning around. It was a little stingray, with one guy driving it.
     He got out, slamming the door behind him. I winced.
     "Well well, look at the little greaser," the big soc chuckled, circling me as if he was a wolf, and I was the sheep.
     "I-I'm sorry, I got l-lost, I'll be leaving now-"
     I whimpered as his hand made sharp contact with my already bruised cheek. "Did I say you could fucking talk?" He screamed.
     I shook my head, starting to cry harder.
     He grabbed me roughly and threw me into his car. We drove in silence for a few minutes, until we stopped outside a large brick house.
      The soc got out, then came around to my side, grabbing me roughly again.
     "Please no," I begged quietly as he drug me up the walkway.
     His hands tightened in my hair, pulling it. "What did I fucking tell you about talking out of turn?" He growled.
     "Ah- Sorry," I whispered.
     He opened the door and pushed me in, causing me to fall forwards on the carpeted floor.
     I stayed there for a moment, trying to regain myself. I turned my head around to look at the soc and saw him staring at my ass.
     He looked up and we locked eyes, and he gave me a coy smile. My heart was hammering in my throat, Why was he staring at me like that, what was he going to do to me? Thoughts such as those raced through my head.
     He grabbed me again, leading me to a room in the back, a bed room. He tore my jean jacket off, then my T-shirt. And I just stood there like a complete idiot, letting him. His hands moved down to my lower half, unbuckling and sliding my belt off, then my jeans.
     Before I knew it I was standing in front of him naked. He pushed me on the bed, rolling me over onto my stomach. I heard him taking off his own clothing, then get on the bed. His hands grabbed my hips, and he thrusted into me.
     I closed my eyes tightly, letting out a low cry, then everything went black.

     Went I came back around, it was still dark. The soc was lying in bed beside me asleep.
     The pain I had felt tonight was by far the worst I had ever felt, worse even than my dad.
     I had started crying again, but I got up and quickly put my clothes back on. The soc was starting to stir, so I took off running out the front door.
     I ran, and didn't stop until I reached my neighborhood. Of course, I wasn't planning on stopping, but I had ran headfirst into Dallas Winston.
     We both fell to the ground. "Ohmigod Dally I'm so sorry!" We had only talked a few times when we had run into each other at the Curtis's, so I didn't know him very well.
     "Hey it's ok, breath," he said, hopping up, then reaching down his hand.
     Shit. He had noticed me crying.
     "Are you ok?" He asked.
     I nodded, then started to walk in the direction I'd been walking.
     He shot his arm out, cutting me off. "Talk to me kid, you'll feel better," he said.
     I started sobbing again, almost collapsing. Dally's arms quickly wrapped around me, and I leaned into his embrace.
     "Shh, it's ok. I've got ya," he whispered, sinking into the grass so I could sit on his lap.
     By the time I had gotten the sobs controlled down to sniffles, the sun was rising. Dally still had his arms around me, and I felt, safe. For the first time in a while I let my guard down.
     As the sun went higher, we were bathed in the golden warmth.
     "What happened?" Dally tried again.
     I took a deep breath, I knew if I kept it to myself, Dally would find out in a worse way.
    "My dad, beat me really bad last night, and I-I ran away. I ran really far too, like into- into soc territory..."
     I felt Dally tense up, but couldn't bring myself to look at his face.
     "Some soc pulled over, then made my get in his car. He took me to his house... and to his bedroom..." I knew Dally would connect the dots, because  there was no way I could say it.
     I started sobbing again, and he wrapped his arms tightly around me. "Shh baby, it's ok now. You're safe. I won't let anybody touch you ever again ok?"
     I blushed at the nickname he gave me, but nodded my head. "Thanks Dally," I mumbled.
     "Sure thing kid." He held me until I was able to calm down again.
     He sat there, twirling a strand of my hair around his finger, humming a song I had never heard of. I looked up at him, causing him to look down at me.
     "Hi," I whispered.
     Before I knew it, I was kissing him with a passion I didn't know I had. And what surprised me most was that, after a half second of hesitation, Dally was kissing back.
     "Get it!" Somebody yelled, and I spun around. Sodapop and Steve were cheering us on, grinning and clapping.
     I blushed scarlet, but Dally flipped them off. I giggled, then turned around and pecked Dally's lips.
     "Come on, let's go find some breakfast," I said.



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